With countless comic book movie adaptations on DVD and more coming to theaters every few months I can’t help but have comics on my mind. Plus, with the big (and ridiculously awesome) DC reboot on the way my brain is just packed full of comic-y goodness. Which is what brings you today’s post! These are a few of the vampire comics I would love to see made into movies.
American Vampire
I am so in love with this comic! Written by Scott Snyder and illustrated by Rafael Albuquereque American Vampire tells the tale of Skinner Sweet, the first American vampire, and his bloody and twisted battle with the European vampires. This comic is dark, it’s badass and it would make a hell of a movie – if done right. But that’s how it is with all adaptations, they either stay true to the original work and are amazing or they stray too far from the original idea and fail miserably.
I, Vampire
I haven’t actually read this comic yet, but after hearing about DC’s relaunch of I, Vampire and seeing the artwork for the upcoming reboot I already love it. The original, which came out in the 80s, is about vampires bent on taking over the world. The vampires in this comic are classic fictional vamps, they can turn into mist and transform into bats and wolves, they have super strength, they are killed by sunlight and weakened by silver and crucifixes. It would be great to see a brand new movie with this classic touch.
Eerie Cuties
This is actually a popular webcomic created by Gisèle Lagacé . And I am absolutely obsessed with it. Eerie Cuties is a comedy horror that follows an assortment of classic monsters attending Charybdis Heights High School. If it were to be made into a movie, I would love for it to be an animated feature directed at young adults – kind of like Monster High, but for older more mature audiences. The comic is just so hilarious and wonderfully twisted at times that I would love to see an Eerie Cuties movie. Who wouldn’t want to watch a movie with a girly doll possessed by a pervy male soul? It would be awesome! Bwhaha.
What vampire comics would you like to see made into good quality movies?
– Moonlight
A bit dated, but the underground comic “Tales of Jerry.” Then there is “Lilith, Daughter of Dracula” who was kinda like a female vampire Dexter in some ways. But of course I would love to see a good movie about Vampirella!
Creepy was old 60´s comic book and it had some gorgeous artwork, beautiful and atmospheric. However, it should be QUALITY movie. Black and white like the original, with storyline featuring classic monsters – vampires included – and lush Gothic sets and costumes. So no, we do not see such movie.
To my mind, Impaler and Pinocchio Vampire Slayer would make good movies / anime :)
Oooh Pinocchio Vampire Slayer could make a good movie. I bet it would be creepy as hell though lol, I imagine a Pan’s Labyrinth kind of vibe.
Confessions of a Teenage Vampire, a 90s small-sized graphic novel series (only two were published, unfortunately). Charming, funny, and mostly light, but with serious issues like bullying.