Alex Van Helsing: Vampire Rising

The cool thing about vampires being so popular is that there are more and more vampire books coming out (which totally kicks ass). One of the best things about all of these vamp books is that there’s this massive mix of everything – something for adults, kids, teens, tweens, boys, girls… etc. Unfortunately, many of the new young adult books are stories of forbidden love and are directed at teen girls for the most part. But good news boys (and girls), there’s an upcoming book that‘s not just another cliché love story – Alex Van Helsing: Vampire Rising by Jason Henderson.

“A descendant of legendary vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing, fourteen-year-old Alex is stuck at boarding school near Lake Geneva, Switzerland, when he finds himself drawn into a web of paranormal intrigue. It turns out that Lake Geneva is also home to a secret school for vampires called the Scholomance—and now to a dangerous vampire clan lord known only as Icemaker, who’s using the Scholomance for his own dangerous endgame. With the help of his friends and of special agent Sangster, it’s up to Alex to fulfill his family destiny and stop Icemaker’s frightening plans once and for all.

Alex Van Helsing is a showstopping hero set to leap off the page—stake, naturally, in hand. Drawing from centuries of actual vampire lore and literature (and with a nod to zombies, too!), Jason Henderson delivers a breathlessly paced thriller that will captivate vampire fans as well as readers who loved Alex Rider.”

Alex Van Helsing: Vampire Rising comes out May 4, 2010. I have to say that I totally plan on reading this. I really need a new young adult book to read that doesn’t involve emo lover vamps. Don’t get me wrong, I love some girly romance novels but I do like to mix up my reading list.

– Moonlight

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).


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  6. im buying this book! and aout emo vamp books ALL except twilight idk what is soooo cute and cool about it I have read it and i simply didnt like it too much drama and omg what is it with glowin vamps? and ok i get it some guys in the movies r hot but is not like every girl havent seen a shirtless hottie! ^.^ anyway i luvs vamps and morganville vampires r awesome! i just love those books! House of night is one of my favs too why? well it shows more fun stuff then twilight for sure plus is more teen-like!

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