We’re back, finally, after a week of waiting, to Sookie and Bill’s magical car ride home. As you’ll recall, Bill and Sookie met a policeman on the road, whom Bill scared bad enough, to make him pee his pants. Poor feller. Bill and Sookie sit in the car and Sookie berates him for his treatment…
Author: annimi
Ashley writes for Vampires.com, Werewolves.com, and other sites in the Darksites Network. She's involved in several seedy and disreputable activities, smokes too much, and spends her late nights procrastinating for work on her first novel.
True Blood, Season 1, Episode Four
And we’re back, right where we left off, with Sookie screaming her head off after finding the body of her coworker, Dawn. This is a stressful situation, so it’s a little surprising that she doesn’t turn the alarm clock off; considering it’s the first thing any of us would do. Imagine, dead body of co-worker,…
Season One, Episode Three of True Blood
We open up on Sookie, still in Bill’s doorway, being accosted by the baldheaded, tattooed, tongue-happy vampire, the black vampire that died in and refuses to leave the 70’s, and their good friend, the swanky looking fellow over her shoulder. While they’re laying on the charm, it occurs to Sookie that they might be trying…
Season One, Episode Two, of True Blood
The second episode of True Blood immediately opens up on the scene where we left off; Mack and Denise Rattray thoroughly enjoying their ass kicking contest, while poor Sookie pretty much lays there and takes it. It can’t get any more ‘damsel in distress’ than this. Sookie’s friend, the border collie appears to bark at…
True Blood – Season 1 Episode 1
Episode One The scene opens up on a young couple driving down a dark Louisiana road; we’re pretty much immediately made aware of their character. The girl is willing to give a handjob at the wheel, –very classy, and the young-ish preppy guy wears a polo shirt with his collar flipped up. The tres chic…
Review for ‘That Which Bites’ & Exclusive Interview with Author Celis T. Rono
Horror-Fantasy genres, and the vampire/human romance literature craze can welcome a refreshingly new addition: That Which Bites, by Celis T. Rono. Our heroine is Julia Poe, surviving in a post-apocalyptic world where her fellow humans are few and far between, but there are vampires aplenty. Before you start assuming the worst; this is no amalgam…
True Blood Season Two Is Finally Here!
Whether you’re a fan of the books, or the show, or are oblivious to Charlaine Harris’s novels (shame on you!), one cannot possibly dispute the popularity of True Blood. With perfect timing, HBO introduced its new supernatural thriller series (after the untimely death of Carnivale, HBO looked pretty villainous to the genre fans en masse),…