The ship won’t come sailing into harbor quite as soon as it was expected. THE LAST VOYAGE OF THE DEMETER has been moved from January of next year to August of next year due to concerns about Covid. No, no really. That is to say, it *has* been delayed. But the delay has nothing to…
Author: TheCheezman
WAYNE MILLER is the owner and creative director of EVIL CHEEZ PRODUCTIONS, specializing in theatrical performances and haunted attractions. He has written, produced, and directed (and occasionally acted in) over two dozen plays, most of them in the Horror and True Crime genres. He obtained a doctorate in Occult Studies from Miskatonic University and is an active paranormal investigator. Is frequently told he resembles Anton Lavey. And Ming the Merciless.
Denn die totden reiten schnell!
The Dissing of Horror Continues
DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS has been a monster hit. It will finish its box office run at close to a billion dollars, if it doesn’t exceed it. That’s billion with a B. Yet I’ve seen several “reporters” talking about how it’s a “disappointment”, quick to point out how much money SPIDER-MAN: NO…
Strange Practical Zombie
As DOCTOR STRANGE IN THE MULTIVERSE OF MADNESS inches closer to a box office haul of a billion dollars (and certain types who don’t base their views of the world on objective reality but prefer to make up their own “facts” insist that it’s a failure because it hasn’t made as much as SPIDER-MAN: NO…
MEN and the Future of the Movies
Make no mistake, MEN is not for everybody. It is strictly for the Horror fans. And it’s not even for all the Horror fans. If you’re the sort who thought HEREDITARY was “boring” you’d absolutely despise MEN. It is more for the rarified palate. And even the fans who really like to get intellectual with…
Movie Review: MEN
The unreliable narrator approach. Where you aren’t sure if what you’re watching is “real” or not, whether or not it’s actually happening within the reality of the movie or if the narrator character is just hallucinating—or if you, the viewer, are. Lynch can get away with that. Cronenberg to an extent. When anybody else does…
Movie Review: DARK WATERS
Not to be confused with DARK WATER, the 2005 movie starring Jennifer Connelly, or with the Japanese movie of the same name, of which the former is a remake, or with the early 90s cartoon miniseries that later birthed a Saturday morning cartoon series, this one is called DARK WATERS, plural. It’s also sometimes marketed…
I don’t turn movies off once I start watching them. I’m that guy who, even if the movie is lousy, has to see it through. I don’t just stop watching. I turned this one off. You remember this movie called SHOWGIRLS? Chances are, if you’re a hetero dude, you’ve seen it. All hetero dudes have…
Revisiting the Classics: THE MANGLER
SALEM’S LOT is to THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE what THE MANGLER is to SALEM’S LOT. Permit me to explain. Tobe Hooper never created anything that fully measured up to THE TEXAS CHAINSAW (nee CHAIN SAW) MASSACRE. That film was his magnum opus. But the closest he came to it—and he got pretty close—was the SALEM’S…
I Lied; One More Post About Jason
It’s for a good cause, so I’m sure you’ll forgive me. You must understand, after my reporting on the fact that the statue of Jason Voorhees, located somewhere on the bottom of Lake Pleasant (in Arizonia), placed there by scuba diver Zachary Nagy, had in fact *not* been removed, as earlier reported, by the local…
One Last Post About Jason (For Now)
Lissen, if you hate on the J-man, I hate it for ya. I do. But we just celebrated a Friday the 13th and Jason is much in my thoughts. The FRIDAY THE 13TH movies played a big part in my formative years. I grew up watching Jason. He’s my buddy. He and I go way…