Croglin Grange – Did It Really Happen?

The phantom vampire of Croglin Grange is one of the best known vampire stories in Britain.  It’s so easy today, when we read about something fantastical that supposedly happened at some point in the past, to dismiss it. “That couldn’t have happened,” we tell ourselves. Our minds, whether we intend it or not, immediately start…

The Blight That Is ‘Twilight’ Just Keeps Rolling. And That’s a Damn Shame.

Lionsgate’s Ron Schwarts, exec VP and general manager of home entertainment, said in a statement:  “Consumer demand for ‘The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2″ reflects strength in all segments of the home entertainment marketplace – packaged media, digital and on demand.  This is further proof that author Stephenie Meyer has created a timeless classic…

The Long List of Dracula’s Progenitors

There were many books on vampires before Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Anne Rice’s name used to be synonymous with the word “vampire,” and regrettably the Twilight novels are conjured to mind today. But the name Bram Stoker and the title of his famous novel, “Dracula,” transcend fads and fashion. Dracula will be in print and haunting…

Practicing (Self) Vampirism For Your Health?

Dr. Mosley shares a new strategy that he believes holds real promise to curing disease and restoring your health: the use of human blood. Why is the vampire so damned prevalent (if you’ll pardon something of a pun)? And moreso today than ever before. Oh, it has evolved a bit, gone from reanimated rotting corpse…

Prince Charles a Descendant of Dracula? Not Bloody Likely!

If you thought the only Hungarian connection to vampires is Bela Lugosi, and the only vampire connection to Prince Charles is Dracula – think again.  I call bull malarkey. Prince Charles might want to believe that he is a direct descendent of Vlad III of Wallachia—aka Vlad the Impaler, aka Dracula—and he may want us…

Would You Drink Dracula’s Blood? (Wine, That Is.)

“Would you buy a bottle of Dracula’s Blood? (Wine, that is.)”   If Prince Vlad III of Wallachia—aka Dracula—were indeed still alive (or rather Undead) today, what would he think of his current celebrity status? Would he be flattered that Bram Stoker made his name a household word, or annoyed that he could no longer operate…