Vampire Books Coming May 2013

It’s May – the month of flowers, cool breezes and a lot of fangtastic vampire books! There are quite a few excellent reads coming to bookstores this month. May is looking like an awesome month for vampire fans. Check out the goodies coming our way. (Click titles to view on Amazon) Taken by a Vampire…

The Latest on Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘Harker’

There is a huge, blockbuster vampire film, starring A-list celebs in the works! Harker, a retelling of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, has been picked up by Warner Bros and already has both Leonardo DiCaprio AND Russell Crowe attached to the project. The film is only in the early stages and it’s already looking fan-freaking-tastic! Written by…

All New and Totally Awesome ‘Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones’ Trailer

An all new Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones trailer has been released! Yay! The film, based on the first book in the bestselling series by Cassandra Clare, comes to theaters August 23. This new trailer gives fans a first look at the werewolves, Simon, Magnus, and Clary’s mom in action! It’s all kinds of awesome!…

Leech Lover Facts: Part 7

It has been a whole two years since I last did a Leech Lover post! Two years! Gasp! Anyway, for those new to Leech Lover Facts, it’s really just a random collection of vampire information. Feeding vampiric knowledge into those bloodthirsty brains of yours. Let’s get to it… BLUE In Greek folklore the color blue…

5 of the Creepiest and Most Horrifying Vampires from Folklore

Most vampires nowadays are beautiful, love-struck immortals who live in lavish homes and act like gentlemen. But that wasn’t always the case. If you look back at folktales through the ages from all over the world you will discover the most hideous and disturbing of creatures. No romance, no vegetarians, just pure bloodlust and savagery.…

Top Vampire Dystopian Novels

With the huge success of The Hunger Games trilogy, dystopian novels have become a must-read for all the book lovers. We crave more dark, dreary and heartbreaking dystopian futures like in Katniss’ world, and you can get them Dear Readers – with vampires. There are quite a few impressive vampire dystopian novels out now and…

Haunting Butterflies of Death

When one pictures a vampire, a fearsome being of death, they do not imagine a butterfly beautifully fluttering through the wind. That’s just absurd, right? Well, amazingly enough, many years ago when superstition ruled, people did pictures horrific vampires when seeing a butterfly. Since even ancient times, the butterfly has been a creature associated with…

Why Do You Think People Love Vampires So Much?

Over the past few years I have interviewed many wonderful authors and I absolutely love it. Since talking about their book and nothing else is a little boring, I like to throw in a few other vampire related questions to makes things more interesting and one of my favorite questions to ask is – “Given…

The Truth About Real Vampires Today

Fanged creatures secretly prowl among us, lurking in obsidian shadows, quietly watching us from behind dark sunglasses, their narrowed gazes fixed upon luscious prey. The vampire’s excruciatingly sharp needle-like fangs flash under the moonlight as he grabs his victim, one hand over her mouth, the other tightly wound around her waist. He strikes deep and…

Supernatural Powers and Abilities

While reading one of my awesomely magical books I came across a list of supernatural powers and abilities, a very long list. As I scanned through them I couldn’t help but notice that many of the powers listed were powers that quite a few vampires in fiction have, but better yet, there was a whole…