More Vampire Diaries’ news for all of you bloodthirsty fans! The show doesn’t return until January 5, 2012, and until then we’ll be hooking you up with all the spoilers we can find. Like spoilers on big kisses and main characters leaving. Ba ba buum! Check out the scoop below:
According to E! Online, we can expect some big moments and big changes in Mystic Falls.
“…some of you fans are gonna be dying when you see an epic kiss scene that is happening very soon! Confession: I squealed a little when I heard about it. Any guesses who who’s puckering up? In other news, a main character we know and love is leaving Mystic Falls, thanks (indirectly) to Damon,” wrote E! Online.
I am guessing that the kiss scene is between Damon and Elena. That’s really the only kiss any of us want to see, well, that’s what I want to see at least. As for a character we love leaving, I’m not sure. It’s not Damon obviously since he’s the one making them leave. Maybe it’s Bonnie? She’s been having lots of issues lately, so I can see her wanting to get away from all of the drama llamas.
In other good Vampire Diaries’ news, The CW has released the official synopsis for the next episode, The New Deal. Check it out:
“A REASON TO FEEL GUILTY – Stefan has hidden the coffins containing the bodies of Klaus’ family, and Klaus quickly turns to violence to convince Damon and Elena that no one will be safe until he finds Stefan and gets his family back. Tyler continues to make the most of his new abilities as a hybrid, but he has to face the disturbing consequences of his actions as well. After a terrifying incident, Elena and Alaric grow increasingly concerned about Jeremy’s attitude and, ultimately, his safety. Alaric meets the beautiful Dr. Fell (guest star Torrey Devitto, “Pretty Little Liars”), who is intrigued with his amazing ability to heal. While trying to strike a deal with Klaus, Elena delivers news that truly shocks him. Kat Graham also stars and internet personality Justine Ezarik guest stars as a bartender. John Behring directed the episode written by Michael Narducci.”
Eee! I can’t wait! How excited are you? Who do you think will be locking lips? What are your thoughts on a main character leaving?
– Moonlight
Hope it’s Damon and Elena. I’m definitely a fan of that pairing – or at least, I’m a fan of Damon getting what he wants. If that’s Elena, then hell, I’m a Dalena fan.
Kinda hope Bonnie is leaving or maybe Tyler ’cause there both kinda annoying. Bonnie because well the drama against Damon and totally hating him even if he does something good and Tyler because I really don’t like the sired thing he looks to much like the old asshole he was. I wish they could find a good way to combine the soft soffy Tyler with asshole Tyler.
As for the books I’m definitely not a fan I thought I was because I was to much involved with the series that I didn’t liked the books but I just find the characters lame and the story somewhat to love-will-concor-all-even-death-and-stuff.
wauw this ended up to be a long message :D
Going to LOVE the epic kiss if it’s Elena and Damon but I’ve just read the books and WOW! Arn’t the books supposed to be better than the show, well I always thought that a rule but come on! The first few are great, I mean I totally <3 them but (SPOILER! ) when Elena comes back as a freaking angel thing, it's just ruins whatever J.L.Smith worked so hard on before. So honestly whatever happens in the show it could not beach worse than the tangent those books have taken.
VaMpIrE sUxS !!!!!!!!! HaViNG THe F*K inJuStIFueL tO SuK THE _____ bLoOd..