Four Things You May Have Missed in ‘Breaking Dawn: Part 1’

You may have read your copy of Breaking Dawn so many times that it is now falling apart, but did you notice the few hidden goodies that were in the film? You may not have missed the lines from the books or the mindreading moments, but there was more to be seen. I have already covered some of the things listed below in my review of the film, but there was more! Check it out!

(In order they appear in film)

1. Author Stephenie Meyer’s cameo
Like other authors, such as Stephen King, Meyer is known to have short cameos in the Twilight movies – she was in the first film during the diner scene with Bella and Charlie. In Breaking Dawn: Part 1 she can be seen as a guest at Bella and Edward’s wedding, right next to producer Wyck Godfrey and screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg. She has long dark hair and appears to be wearing a rose-colored dress.

2. Super Quick reference to Taylor Lautner’s film Abduction
I’m not sure how realistic this is, but other sites swear that it’s a nod to Lautner’s other movie. Anyway, in Abduction, which was released in September, Twilight star Lautner plays a teen who finds his face on a missing-kids website. In a Breaking Dawn scene, Kristen Stewart’s Bella teases Lautner’s Jacob that she hasn’t seen him in a while, jokingly saying “didn’t I see your face on a milk carton?”

3. Book Cover Reenacted
The cover of Twilight features hands holding an apple, and that image was recreated with Bella and Edward in a scene in the Forks High School cafeteria in the first flick. The cover of Breaking Dawn shows a white chess king on a chessboard with a red pawn in the background (not regular chess colors). In the movie, you’ll see the book cover recreated during Bella and Edward’s honeymoon (pictured above), and yes, the colors match the cover.

4. Volturi scene after the credits
This is the one big thing that viewers missed, and many are pissed about missing it. If you left the theater once the credits began to roll, then you missed the bonus scene with the Volturi, which played after the credit began. Just a few minutes in, the credits stop and viewers are treated to a sneak peek scene that sets up Breaking Dawn: Part 2, which comes out in November 2012.

There you have it Twihards, four things you may or may not have missed during Breaking Dawn: Part 1.

– Moonlight

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).


    1. I apologize, but if you think that Twilight is “Da Biggezt Peace of shit” you should probably take a look at your spelling.

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  4. i saw theses things in movie, the books and movies, the cast was all wonderful. wish , there was more after theses five, as the midenite sun ,by edward,then the story of the child ,who she ends up with. lol

  5. I’m pretty sure the whole ‘milk carton’ thing was referring to the fact that Jacob runs away in the beginning. Charlie puts up signs and missing person posters up all over. They didn’t really talk about it in the movie though.

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  8. ok, bella did not say that he saw jacobs face on a milk carton, she said that she was about to put his face on a milk carton

  9. I didn’t notice the Abduction part but i noticed all the others. Well, I found out about the after credits scene when my mother told me about it on the way home.

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