No, I am not speaking of the actual novel by the legendary Bram Stoker, but rather, about a comic. “From the Pages of Bram Stoker’s Dracula: Harker” is a comic that came out a while back and was endorsed by an actual descendant of Stoker himself. I recently gave Issue #1 a read, and well, it wasn’t what I was expecting.
“The first graphical sequel to Dracula ever to be endorsed by a member of the Stoker family! Six months after Dracula’s death in Transylvania, a ghostly vision informs the Harkers that their work is not yet done! The Count’s last surviving bride comes to London seeking revenge, and to use Mina’s unborn child as a new host for Dracula’s spirit! Featuring introductions from Dacre Stoker, Ian Holt, and Leslie S. Klinger (author of The Annotated Dracula), Harker will breathe new life into the undead!”
Writer: Tony Lee
Artist: Neil van Antwerpen
Here’s my break down:
Artwork: 4 out of 5
I thought that the artwork was great. The style is one that has been done in countless comics, but the coloring and shading added an extra bit of depth, making it less one-dimensional than other comics. However, given that this is Dracula and that this is such grandly promoted comic, I was expecting more. I would have liked to see a more unique style, maybe something with a more gothic feel to it.
Story: 2 out of 5
I was very disappointed. A lot happened in this first issue and all of it was completly predictable and totally cliché. I was bored the entire read. Not only was I bored, but I was taken aback by the fact that Dacre Stoker endorsed this comic. I honestly cannot see Bram Stoker being pleased about another writer bringing Renfield back as a zombie. It’s ridiculous. Almost everything about this comic was ridiculous. The whole thing with Dracula being reborn as Mina’s baby… seriously? WTF? Ugh.
Overall, I did not enjoy this comic at all and I really don’t suggest it. I may have only read Issue #1, but I have absolutely no desire to read the second.
Have any of you read it this comic? What did you think?
– Moonlight
On my list since a while. But, after your review, I’m not sure it’s very important to have it on my website.
If you want to read good comics-related stuff about Dracula, you should take a look at Renfield
Thanks, I’ll have to check that out :)