Giveaway and Guest Blog by Michele Hauf!

Vampires and Romance?

Do they go together? Well, apparently they do if you look at the tremendous rise in vampire romances on the book shelves over the past years. Romance, overall, is the top seller in mass market paperbacks, beating out Horror, Thrillers, Sci/Fi, and Mystery. But can you really apply romance to a story that involves a vampire?

One of the early reviews for my latest release, SEDUCING THE VAMPIRE, stated it was more for horror fans than romance fans. I cringed, because it truly is a love story. But then I nodded. Well, yeah, I thought. Vampires are…horrific! I mean, you can’t have them without the blood, the unnatural cravings, and the vicious inner torment. No watered-down vamps who drink blood from bags or who forego blood entirely for me. Vampires need the blood to survive, and must drink it from living humans. That is their survival dilemma, and it’s a good one. And that’s horrible, not romantic.

So how where does the romance come in? Is it the pining for immortality, or the brooding, dark stranger who promises untold pleasure with his bite? Or could it be that the vampire, aged over the centuries, holds so much of the world within him. He has seen it all, walked through time, learned, lived and yes, loved.

Hmm, yep, that’s the romance for me. Finding that perfect man who can give you history with his bite.

Giveaway Details
We’re giving away two copies of Seducing the Vampire!  To enter into the giveaway all you have to do is send an email titled “Seducing the Vampire” to and on January 18, 2011 I will pick two random winners for a copy of Michelle Hauf’s new book!

About the book:

“In Marie Antoinette’s Paris, the beautiful vampire Viviane seeks a male patron who will allow her to live on her own terms. Courted by two feuding brothers, Viviane succumbs to the handsome rebel, Rhys. She’s unaware that Rhys has other, darker, motives. He seeks vengeance against his brother, Constantine—by stealing Viviane and tainting her with his blood.

But just as Rhys is realizing the depth of his love for Viviane, his brother takes his revenge. By casting a spell on the woman they both desire, he condemns her to a living death inside a glass coffin.

Two centuries later, Rhys hears the legend of the Snow White vampiress, imprisoned deep in the tunnels under Paris. He must find her and set her free, but will he be able to save her from the evil still intent on destroying them?”

Vampires and Romance?

Do they go together?  Well, apparently they do if you look at the tremendous rise in vampire romances on the book shelves over the past years.  Romance, overall, is the top seller in mass market paperbacks, beating out Horror, Thrillers, Sci/Fi, and Mystery.  But can you really apply romance to a story that involves a vampire?

One of the early reviews for my latest release, SEDUCING THE VAMPIRE, stated it was more for horror fans than romance fans.  I cringed, because it truly is a love story.  But then I nodded.  Well, yeah, I thought.  Vampires are…horrific!  I mean, you can’t have them without the blood, the unnatural cravings, and the vicious inner torment.  No watered-down vamps who drink blood from bags or who forego blood entirely for me.  Vampires need the blood to survive, and must drink it from living humans.  That is their survival dilemma, and it’s a good one.  And that’s horrible, not romantic.

So how where does the romance come in?  Is it the pining for immortality, or the brooding, dark stranger who promises untold pleasure with his bite?  Or could it be that the vampire, aged over the centuries, holds so much of the world within him.  He has seen it all, walked through time, learned, lived and yes, loved.
Hmm, yep, that’s the romance for me.  Finding that perfect man who can give you history with his bite.

By Michelle Hauf

writes paranormal romance (and occasionally moonlights as Alex Archer for the Rogue Angel series). For more information on her stories visit If you love vampires, check out her VampChix blog at, and if you want an awesome list of vampire books check out her Ultimate VampList at


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