Grave of the Vampire 40th Anniversary Edition Coming Soon to DVD

There’s an old cult classic heading soon to DVD! The 40th Year Anniversary Edition of Grave of the Vampire is coming to DVD March 19, 2013. Originally released in 1972, this film shocked audiences 40 years ago when the young mother of a vampire baby began nursing it with her own blood. Grim and grisly, Grave of the Vampire quickly became a cult favorite through frequent midnight movie showings and television airings.

grave_of_the_vampireMore on the film (from Rotten Tomatoes):

“This dark, violent British production stars Michael Pataki as a brutish vampire apparently lacking in Dracula’s powers of seduction, since he finds it necessary to brutally rape a young woman (Kitty Vallacher) in order to sire a child. The product of this unholy mating is a half-human, half-vampire baby boy, bottle-fed on the blood of his now-insane mother (a truly sickening sight) until her eventual death from anemia. Later as a young man, the son (William Smith) is able to spend short periods in daylight, and his bloodlust is considerably lesser than that of his father. Tormented nevertheless by his evil condition, he curses his bloodline and defies his vampire heritage, tracking his father down to the university where he teaches occult sciences. Aside from Pataki’s coarse but imposing performance, this low-budget film is a fairly routine genre entry, but the climactic, bloody duel between father and son vampires is quite gripping.”

And in just a few short months, this DVD can be yours in widescreen HD from Retro Media.

Anyone here planning on picking up Grave of the Vampire? Has anyone seen this obscene movie? If so, what are your thoughts?

– Moonlight

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).


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