How to fit-in in vampire world

We live in a day and age where vampires walk among us … it’s as simple as that. People may deny the fact that the living undead may be teaching our children, or snacking on the sweet little old lady down the street, but it’s a fact. Come on … it should be common knowledge by now that vampires have been around for centuries.

Once you get past the chilling fact mentioned above, you have to learn how to survive in a lonely world. Here are some tips on how to do so:

1) Skin- If you haven’t turned yet, you have to look like you just got dug-up. First try digging through old Halloween makeup. If you don’t have any lying around, head to your local Hot Topic for white face paint or something to that affect. Apply the makeup generously around your entire face, and blend-in some black or grey makeup under your eye sockets.

2) Clothes- I’m not suggesting going for The Cure look from the 1980’s, but you have to look sexy and also like you don’t care at the same time. Think of an emo look meets Elvira – a little darkness has to show through at all times.

3) Music is it- Vampires usually like Gothic music (even though it’s a stereotype, it had to have derived from some truth). Load you MP3 player up with bands like Type O Negative, Marilyn Manson, and the soundtrack to The Nightmare Before Christmas.

And there you have it, undeadies. Wait … one final quick tip could be carrying a bottle of fake blood around with you at all times. You may want to squirt some on your clothes and on your face sporadically (you know, to get the effect of just attacking your noontime human snack!)

How would you try to fit-in as a vampire?


  1. Pingback: vampires
  2. Pingback: Joseph Federico
  3. i can die any moment to become a vampire. i loved to be a vampire to get smthing which i will never get in my life as a man.

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