Today’s post is a little different, instead of me recommending vampire books to you, I’m asking for you to help me out. You see, there’s a type of vampire book I’m looking for, a book that may or may not exist, and since so many of you here are big book geeks like me, you just might be able to help me in my search.
What I am looking for is a post-apocalypse vampire book. That’s right, I want a book about vampires and the end of the world! A book where the world we know has been destroyed and only few humans (and vampires) have survived. There are loads of post-apocalypse books out there, but I have yet to see many about vampires. The only one I can think of is “I Am Legend” by Richard Matheson. So if you know of any others, please send the titles my way.
The reason for my search is, well, I am absolutely obsessively in love with the last two Resident Evil movies, you know, the two where the zombies have already taken over the world and there are only a handful of survivors left. Love it! However, except for Resident Evil Extinction and Afterlife, I’m not really a big fan of zombie books or movies. But I am a vampire fan!
Another thing that started this newfound search for post-apocalyptic vampire books is the short story “The Robber Bride” by Marjorie M. Liu (which can be found in the “Huntress” anthology). It actually is a vampire story which is set after an apocalypse! It’s hands down one of my favorite stories, I loved it so much that second after I finished reading it I did a search to see if the author had an entire book set in this vampiric wasteland, sadly, she doesn’t, which means I need to look elsewhere.
So now you know what I am looking for, a post-apocalyptic vampire tale. Considering that over a thousand vampire books were published last year alone there’s got to be at least one, right? Any help with my search would be greatly appreciated! I’d love you forever!
– Moonlight
The only book or novel it reminds me of is Vampire Hunter D, written by Hideyuki Kikuchi :
The serie seems to have many books :
I only know the 2 anime movies and the first four mangas, the novels have not been edited in France
Try ROSES OF BLLOD ON BARBED WIRE VINES by Snell. It’s about vampires trying to survive in a zombie apocalypse, and using humans as food.
You can check out my book. I am legend was one of the books I had in mind when I wrote my urban fantasy novel “Hounds of Heaven”. It’s takes aspects of the Underworld movies, The Matrix. It’s an action packed novel with a dystopian feel
You can check out my book trailer on You Tube or get more information on my website. The book will be available on Amazon in about a month! I’d love to have you as a guest blogger on my site! You’re site is pretty amazing by the way!
The next book in the “Strain” Trilogy should fit, but won’t be published for months.
Someone should have recommended The Passage to you!
Thanks guys! I’ll make sure to check these out :)
i think a book called dooms day is pretty good if you swap out the post apocalyptic side of the russian soldiers for vampires you can even see it my information is at the bottom i’m an un known writer and i write about zombies and vampires although in my universe their more like slaves funny thing why do they alway’s blood thirsty zombies brain’s so if you want drop me a line and i’ll let you know it’s called doom’s day warrior quite an interesting read like i said you can swap them for vampires quite interesting bye
“The Last Vampire” by Kathryn M. Griffith pub.1992.
Following a brief but deadly nuclear war, a woman is turned by a vampire only to find that humanity is dying from radiation and plague while the world is literally ending as a devestating series of earthquakes, floods, and fires rip the Earth apart.