I liked to peruse Kickstarter on occasion in the hopes of discovering an amazing new project to help out. The site is amazing and has gotten loads of awesome projects off the ground. And speaking of awesome projects, I came across one that needs the help of vampire fans – like YOU! Dracula: Son of the Dragon is the project, it’s part historical fiction, part horror fantasy, a comic book chronicling Vlad the Impaler’s transformation into the vampire Dracula. Vampire comics FTW! Check out the details below.
Details on Dracula: Son of the Dragon:
“We know the story of the Vlad Tepes, the so-called “historical Dracula”. But how did a 15th century Impaler become the world’s most famous vampire?
This first, heavily-researched book in this series will start with Vlad Dracula’s childhood. He’ll learn early, hard lessons in politics and betrayal as a young prince in his native Wallachia and Transylvania as a prisoner of the Ottoman Turks. Then, drawing from hints in Bram Stoker’s novel, we’ll begin to learn how Vlad became introduced the Dark Arts at the infamous Scholomance.
To survive his adolescence, young Prince Vlad believes he must kill in the name to serve the Holy Roman Order of The Dragon. But when the same Church that sanctified these deeds denies him access to Heaven, he’ll realize the only way to escape eternal damnation is the immortality that only the undead can grant.
Our hope is with your help, to use Kickstarter to finance the production of the first 60-page volume of Dracula: Son of the Dragon and publish a set of limited first run editions. These will range from digital editions to hand bound leather tomes designed to evoke the 15th century printing of Vlad Dracula’s reign.
Part of your contribution will go towards compensating Salgood for his time drawing, toning and hand-lettering the story.
The rest of the money we raise will go towards financing the manufacture of the first planed editions for backers, and cover the shipping for the same.
We need $14,000 to make this all happen, and humbly ask for your support.”
Support the project HERE. And like them on Facebook.
What are your thoughts on Dracula: Son of the Dragon?
– Moonlight
Mark Sable – writer and co-creator of DRACULA: SON OF THE DRAGON here. Just wanted to thank you so much for posting about our Kickstarter. If you ever have an interest in interviewing me or Salgood Sam (the artist and co-creator), hit me up on Twitter @marksable.
Thanks so much!