Kindle Winners for January 2011

Congratulations to the winners of our first 2011 Kindle giveaway contest sponsored by Knuckle Supper! Don’t feel bad if you weren’t randomly selected this time around, we’ll be giving away an Amazon Kindle every month in 2011. Check back often for details about our other giveaways.

The question was: What was Bait’s sisters name?
The answer was: Pinball


Melissa from Wisconsin

Signed ARC (Advanced Reader Copy):
Aimee from New York
Rachel from Florida

Shirt winners are:
Geoffrey from North Carolina
Jasmin from Oregon

By Veritas

Veritas is a faerie child, switched at birth and left with wonderful parents in a small shack deep in the hills of West Virginia. He believes in magick and hopes to inspire readers lured into the enchanted path. Occasionally, he'll post contributions from other authors so drop us an email if you're interested.

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