Time to travel to the green forests and white cliffs of Britain to visit one of the best known folktales of all, The Green Lady (aka the glaistig). The Green Lady is known throughout England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland – but in each area in each country the myth is a bit different.
For example, in some versions of the story the glaistig is known as a kind and loving protector of children and the elderly. Many would honor her by pouring milk on selected stones. It’s even said that she watched over children as their mother milked cows and their father tended the herd. As sweet as that is, it’s clearly not vampire-like behavior.
In other parts of the UK the glaistig would appear as a kind of banshee, wailing horribly at the death of those of great importance. While definitely not sweet and cuddly, that’s still not the actions of a bloodthirsty vampire.
Oh but now we get to the good stuff – among all of the Green Lady myths and tales there is one that is filled with blood and gore. It is said that the glaistig could take the form of an incredibly beautiful women and that in this form she would attract her male victim. She was fond of tracking down a man, taking on the form of a sexy women he knew and offering him all sorts of fun sexual favors. But of course, the poor silly man didn’t get the goods. Instead he ended up dead, with his throat slit and every drop of his blood sucked from him. Yum yum.
The Green Lady was known to frequent the lonely lochs and rivers in the highlands of Scotland, among other places. So if I were you my dear British readers, I’d be awfully suspicious of any gorgeous women walking alone at night along the shore. You never know who, or what she may be.
– Moonlight
Wouldn’t it be freeky if the scottish widows (from the Royal Bank of Scotland) were all Green Ladies?? x