Naked Damon and New Characters Coming Soon to The Vampire Diaries!

One of our all-time favorite vampire shows, The Vampire Diaries of course, is on its mid-season break (lame!) and it isn’t coming back until January 5, 2012. Such a long long wait for us bloodthirsty fans. After ending on such a cliff hanger, we’re dying to find out what is to come. Last we saw, Mikael died after Stefan stopped Damon from killing Klaus; Stefan is seeking revenge on Klaus by stealing Klaus’ family coffins; Damon and Elena had a sweet touching moment that may possibly lead to more; Rebekah is still staked; Tyler is out of the picture for now… and much more! It was a big episode, an episode that left us with MANY questions. Sadly, I can’t answer a single one of those questions, I can however tell you one thing – Damon is getting naked again! Oh, and they’re adding a new character to the group. But more importantly, Damon is getting naked!

The one thing we know that’s to come in the second half of the season is that Damon will be stripping down again. The man himself, Ian Somerhalder, shared this bit of sexy news on his Twitter. After Thanksgiving, Ian tweeted that him and the rest of the cast are currently filming the upcoming episodes and that his character is getting naked again. Yay naked Damon!

“Of course 1st day back from a stuffing-your-face holiday, Damon Salvatore is naked. WTF?!” he tweeted.

Thank you Ian for the naughty mental images now running through my dirty mind. Hmm… I wonder why he’s getting naked this time. And will Elena walk in on him again?

In other Vampire Diaries news, we’re going to be seeing more than just naked Damon, we are also meeting a mysterious new character. The newbie is a human named Daniel Warren, who is played by actor Daniel Newman. He is scheduled to appear in episode 11, but there’s no other news on who he is and what he’s up to.

So, what are you more excited about – naked Damon or the new character?

– Moonlight

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).


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  5. First thought was “yay naked Damon” but my curiosity is getting the better of me and i totally want to know why they are adding a new character. and why is it another human?

    (btw did anyone else notice the fact that the new characters name is the same as the actors name?)

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