New Moon DVD Release Date Announced!

Just when you thought the whole New Moon madness was over, they go and announce the date of the DVD release! Of course, I’m excited since I’m a Twilight fanatic but for all of you haters out there, you’ll have to put up with it for a couple of more months. The New Moon DVD isn’t set to be released until March 20. But what’s the big deal? We’ve all already seen it, right? Yeah, probably. At least all of us who really care. But there are some things you’ll get with the DVD that you can’t when you go to see the movie. This DVD comes loaded with features!

Just like Catherine Hardwicke did with the Twilight DVD release, director of New Moon, Chris Weitz will also include a commentary, which is sure to give us lots of inside secrets on making the movie. And if you need even more New Moon information, there’s also an entire six part documentary on taking the film from the written page to the silver screen. The musical group, The Muse also includes rehearsal footage and if you’re dying for even more music from the movie, there’s also music videos from Death Cab for Cutie, Anya Marina, and Mute Math. And of course, there’s tons more that none of us will know about until we actually buy the DVD. And even though we might not be able to hold it in our hot little hands before March 20, we can order them much sooner than that. Very soon, actually.

You can pre-order New Moon as early as January 26 and there’s rumors that Amazon will be one of the websites that you can do that from, although I imagine the official website would also have an area for you to get your early order in. This is a great idea if you want to make sure that you get a copy ASAP. Or, if you really want to join in the festive fun, you can hang out at one of the release parties being held at 12:01am on March 20. Retailers all across the United States are holding these parties just like they did with the Twilight release. The DVD will cost $32.99 and the special feature Blu-Ray disc only costs a little more at $34.99.

And after the movie’s release, all you haters can breathe a sigh of relief that you won’t have to hear about The Twilight Saga anymore. Well, at least until the next month when the Eclipse mania is sure to start.

– Kate

Note: That’s March 20, 2010, to be exact.


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  3. OMG when did you up load this? Did you know that I’m a twilight saga freek. What year is it coming out? this year next year or in three to one year?

    1. Hi riley,
      I’ve just made a note on the post indicating that it’s this year it’s coming out so March 20, 2010. Yeeessss! Very, very soon! YAY!!!!!

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