“Please turn me into a vampire!” I read this comment here a lot. Now, before I continue I want to make it very clear that this is by no means an insult to those of you that wish to become a vampire. I totally understand your reasons for wishing it, so as I said, this isn’t an insult.
But, I’m afraid I do have a few issues with that comment. Here is one big problem, someone says they are a vampire and many of our readers believe them. People lie online… a lot. I can lie very easily right now and say, “hey everyone, I’m a Yeti!” or something small like, “I just painted my nails blue.” See how easy that was? That 500-year-old vampire you are chatting with could very well be a 50-year-old sexual predator. You never know, but you need to always keep that in mind.
This is not me assuming you are idiots, of course not. But I have seen some of our readers post their actual home address in a comment so that the “real vampire” can come and bite them. This is incredibly stupid and very dangerous! Every time I see one of those comments I am totally shocked and quickly scramble to delete it. Please understand that we are very welcoming to everyone on this site and we love our readers. So of course your safety is very important to us.
And yes, someone claiming to be a vampire could very well be your classic vampire, a sanguinarians or a psi, but either way we beg for you to be safe and smart. Before you get too serious, PLEASE stop and think long and hard about what that person is saying. Do your own research on the subject – not Twilight, not Vampire Diaries, but real research. Check out all of the facts – knowledge is power. There have been a few times where I simply picked up a couple books and checked out a few sites and instantly proved that someone’s “facts” were all lies.
Another big problem is when someone copies and pastes the same comment over and over, “PLEASE TURN ME, I WANNA BE A VAMPIRE!!!!” You are more than welcome to leave that comment, but I seen people posting it well over ten times and do you know what I do? I go through and delete each comment except for one. I hate spamming and posting over and over won’t help your chances of becoming a vampire. Actually, if I were a vampire and I saw that I’d be like, “No way in hell do I want to spend eternity with them!” and move on.
To sum it up, I am begging you to all be safe and smart. Please do not believe everything someone writes. Please do not post your home address or your e-mail address in a comment because it will be deleted. Please no spam. And once again, please do not consider this an insult. I adore all of our wonderful readers, from the fanged to the fang-less.
Hugs all around!
– Moonlight
I just want a vampire friend in franklin North Carolina email me if you live here
mm1683505@gmail.com ps I’m female not that it matters and I’m sorry about my username my ex changed it but yea bye.
Hello EveryOne,
I’m giving a testimony on how me and my fiance became a vampire.
This was how i and my fiance became
Vampire, I was browsing the internet searching on how i could be
transformed. When i came across the email of a man named DON JUAN. who was
a VAMPIRE so I told him that I and my fiance has always dreamed of become
VAMPIRES so he asked me my name, country, State, address, photo, etc. and
asked me to contact the market of spells for the Hindu materials required
for our transformation. So I did and he said that a vampire will
be assigned to guide us and direct us on how the items are to be used.
After five days I and my fiance was totally a vampire. if you are
interested in becoming a vampire, contact him for more information on how
you could also be transformed. Here is LORD DON JUAN email
if you realy a vampire can you please make me to a vampire of you make i will do anything you want so please make me please
Contact the chief clan for that @ vampireincantations@gmail.com
Hi Alisha, I mailed them last 10 days back ..but I didn’t get any reply from them, As u said u are a Vampire. I need to have a small chat with u, if u can give your valuable time for me, that could be a great help ..it’s my mail ID I will be waiting to your reply. arbaznishad12@gmail.com
i want to become a vampire because thats my dreamed when i was a child so please email me at omarmangagel@gmail.com
Do you want to become a vampire,are you tired of human being,having
talented brain tyrning to a vampire in a good posture in ten
minutes,without delaying in a good human posture and becoming a
A world of vampire were life get eaiser,we have made so
much persons vampires and have turned them rich,you will assured long
life and prosperity,you shall be made to be vsry sensitive to mental
alertness,stronger and also very fast,you will not be restricted to walk
at night onlyeven at the very middle of broad day light you will be
made to walk,this is an opportunity to have the vampire virus to perform
Please help me… i need some change. Turn me please… devinskalski.ds@gmail.com email me please.
First of all are vampires hot? cuz I don’t know if they are. Oh and I’m 12 years old and i want to become a vampire. ONLY hot vampires could text me back and they have to be 12 or 13 I don’t really care p.s I got to LHMS 6th grade
Xoxo junielys (Lilly for short)
please help me for turning me into vampire bcz its only single way for me to live myself. now its my need to be an vampire bcz i lost my all dreams and now this is a way where i can be..stand in-front of my challenge and will achieve my goal,need….
so please turn me into an vampire, its your great grace on to do this………
if you’ll get any chance to turn yourself please help me or inform me, its my humble request to you.
please ……
Hello! Well i am 25 years old but I’ve been feeling the vampire ever since. I don’t really know how the faith came in me because I have never been too interested in it but I’ve always felt less like everyone inside. I don’t consider myself to be exceptional or special but I always felt from my childhood and still feel that I didn’t fit with others. It’s as if I had stumbled upon my life and I could not go foot with others. No matter what I can’t succeed. I’m like nobody. I’ve never had too many dreams I’ve never had a clear vision of my future I’d rather or should be… but when it comes to talking about mystical things I agree with that. I’ve never been opposed to that. I’ve never been the one who doesn’t believe in such things. I sincerely believe that in real life somewhere between our vampires and really exist. Maybe vampires in reality are completely different than usual in books and films but I know one thing: they don’t advertise they hide their existence and identity. Because if anyone finds out that in the world they exist all the crazy will be crazy about it and in the first place they will not feel unless they show their true face very clearly. And when it comes to me in fact there is a crazy desire to become a vampire in me. Not because of this I became strong and able to do anything but head to head and therefore I wouldn’t be punished but because of the fact that I don’t feel like a human being in the world I don’t feel like being a human is my place and I feel the constitution of the vampire will make me feel this suffering – to be human. I hate being just an ordinary person. I hate it every night to go to bed. I hate the need to wash and brush your teeth every day. I hate having to eat food several times a day. I hate being that I’m a simple fucking human. I know that being a vampire is not easy, there are many limitations: I could not manage my blood thirst at the very beginning, perhaps for a long time. I would not be able to walk during the day. There was a great danger of being killed with wooden bass (at least as it were on the Internet) or something else. I also know that I can not communicate with my current relatives, and why, as a matter of great regret it doesn’t change my wishes. It doesn’t make me look and I still want to become a vampire. I’m afraid that even being a vampire is not meant for me either as a human being or someone else. I will never find my place in life and I will be in constant misery… Sad!
why do people want to become a vampire. You are inmortal you watch as your family die knowing you will never see them again and you feed on blood. The thought of being a vampire knowing your curse on this world for a long time no thank you please tell me why do you want to be a vampire and the good thing about being a vampire
The best thing I think is the fact that if you don’t have family or friends you can really just watch and see how society changes. Also, vampires really aren’t immortal they just age extremely slow
has anyone tried this email address ? worldofvampir@hotmail.com they claim to be able to send you blood to turn you but they want you to send them a video saying you will do what they say or die.
Yeah let’s all just join a fucking gang in hopes of being a “vampire”
Hey i want to be vampire, I really want this, pls mail me if you can help me!
i want a vampire to come bit me tonight
Turn me into vampire too, please so i can suck energy from others while making my move upwards.
Hello Everyone!!!
How you will become a vampire real qucik without you even stressing your self email us below and follow the steps given. haedisvampirecastle@gmail.com. Contact now, being a Vampire is something Unique.
hello any one turn in to a vampire?
Yes I want to become vampire. I am 19 years old. Look like 19 years old but not my real age is 200years
Hello Edward, I would love to talk more on a private level. Please email me at Mgyulay33@gmail.com
Connar Vampire
2 seconds ago
contact us today to become a real vampire@ vampiretransformation42@gmail.com
If you really want to become a vampire contact us
Didn’t you post something about a month ago asking to be a vampire? And now you’re saying ‘here’s a fake email if you want to be one’, what’s your deal?
Email me at melissatapping
This life is over
My Name is Jooy am from USA,I really thank Blooded Mary for making me to become a Vampire and today i am a real vampire. so if you with to become a vampire, you can E-Mail Blooded Mary at: And become a vampire.
Thank You.
Uh huh. Why didn’t the email work though?
Thank you, sorry for doubting
I know there are real vampires out there but have litte hopes in a possibility of actually finding any and knowing it if i did lol. Ive wanted to be a vampire for the past 7 years since the twilight and drac obsession started. Ohh wells though prolly best i havent put too much effort into the whole vamp trans thing though or i wouldn’t have a beautiful daughter. Just chills out everybody itll all work out how its supposed too ;).
contact vmpire connar vampiretransformation@gmail.com
Personally I think that those people who seriously want to be vampires have been reading too much “Carmilla”, Bram Stoker and Anne Rice novels. Do you REALLY want to live in a world of eternal darkness, never being able to enjoy the beauty of a sunrise or a summer’s day at the beach? Or outlive your friends and family?Think about it!
i dont wanna say that talk much about y i wanna be a vampire but ya when i was 7 i was interested in vampires but now im of 15 and im still interested but like im not sure about vampires and if there are vampires then it will be so hard to find one so its like im running after a thing that u r not even sure about….2017 from Canada brampton, Ontario…. i wanna be vampire there some more reason just dont wanna tell…. contact me if there r any = samja1122@gmail.com…..
I would like to know if they’re are any vampires in West Chester, pa? I’m intrigued with the culture and would love to know more on a personal level.
contact me on gmail vampiretransformation@gmail.com
I just want to learn about the who, what and where’s of vampirism!
I turn to a vampire any time i want to. i become a vampire because of how people treat me, this world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. at the snack of my finger things are made happened. am now a powerful man and no one step on me without an apology goes free. i turn to human being also at any time i want to. and am one of the most dreaded man in my country. i become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a vampire kingdom by given me their email. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom on their Email: Vampirelord7878@gmail.com
I want to become a vampire diaries plz make me anyone is there real vampire plz make me if you seen I can’t live anymore in this world I have so many problems in our lives plz….. make me?? thankyou..
contact us today to become a real vampire@ vampiretransformation42@gmail.com to become a vampire
If vampires are real, I’d love to be one.
contact us today to become a real vampire@ vampiretransformation42@gmail.com
Stop pleading. It’s not going to get you anywhere. Yeah, vampires aren’t all lifeless immortal beings. But pleading isn’t going to do much. Or anything. They live the pros and cons everyday, and may not enjoy it and therefore don’t want to put you through it. I too want to be one. So, here’s my request; Life is shit, this world is fucked up, a lot of humans are selfish and idiotic that it’s disgusting. And vampires don’t need to worry about the bullshits of life, and that’s what I want. To not care about it. I have no plans, I don’t want plans. So, I want to be one. Turn me. I know the consequences, I’ll just have to live with it.
If a vampire does happen to see this. Come find me. You have eternity, it shouldn’t be hard for you to track someone down.
Hello. For sake of my safety I’m going to say my name is Aura. I know this is a cliche thing to say, but I’ve always been different. I wasn’t bullied often at school. I’ve never gone very long without friends. But I’ve never been able to really express myself to the friends I had. I’ve realized over the years that I don’t care for other people. I’ve never really cared about their lives or emotions. I simply don’t enjoy other people’s company. For as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with the macabre. I like the darkness and all it holds. When I was eleven years old I stumbled across Wicca. And that made me delve deep into witchcraft. I never became a Wiccan, though. That path was not meant for me. But I realized that the more I looked into all things supernatural/paranormal, the more I felt at home. I’ve watched hundreds of horror/occult movies and read more books than I can count about fictional supernatural worlds. Each time I read a book, I find it harder and harder to return to reality. I have had two suicide attempts in my life. The first time I cut my wrist with a razor. And the second time I overdosed on sleeping pills. Each attempt failed, obviously, and I was hospitalized both times. Each time I tried this, my exact thoughts were “my life will never be more than ordinary.” Now, I believe, I can have a more than ordinary life. I have researched vampires/vampyres (however you wish it to be spelled) and I’ve often found conflicting facts and opinions. Some say they do have red eyes and they die in sunlight. Others say they look normal and the sun only gives them a mild sunburn. I do not know what is fact and what is not. But I do know this, I believe that there are creatures (no offense) out there that they are more than ordinary. I believe in witches and vampires/vampyres and werewolves and the like. I believe in ghosts and demons even. I want someone to either prove me right, or prove me wrong. I’m afraid that if I was proven wrong, I would have no real reason to live. The only thing I can hold on to is actually meeting a truly supernatural being. I don’t mean to sound needy or awful. I feel the need to be honest. If you or anyone you know is in fact an enhanced being, please reply and I will give you the information to contact me privately.
Babe look up a book called morphosephram the handbook of shadow by William r wraithe. Your not crazy.
contact me at sashoshin@gmail.com plz do reply :]
Ignore every comment I have sent before this, I still had a bit of doubt.
why are you doubting it?
I really want or really need to be a vampire, and I thought it kind of strange that vampires would make themselves known on a website anyone can access.
contact me on vampiretransformation@gmail.com
yo i already know all the cons that come with being a vampire and know how to live with it so any real vampires please hmu at rock.lauren51@bloomfield.org thanks
Hello Am Abel,
I’m giving a testimony on how me and my fiance became a vampire.
This was how i and my fiance became
Vampire, I was browsing the internet searching on how i could be
transformed. When i came across the email of a man named DON JUAN. who was
a VAMPIRE so I told him that I and my fiance has always dreamed of become
VAMPIRES so he asked me my name, country, State, address, photo, etc. and
asked me to contact the market of spells for the Hindu materials required
for our transformation. So I did and he said that a vampire will
be assigned to guide us and direct us on how the items are to be used.
After five days I and my fiance was totally a vampire. if you are
interested in becoming a vampire, contact him for more information on how
you could also be transformed. Here is LORD DON JUAN email
I’m giving a testimony on how me and my fiance became a vampire.
This was how i and my fiance became
Vampire, I was browsing the internet searching on how i could be
transformed. When i came across the email of a man named DON JUAN. who was
a VAMPIRE so I told him that I and my fiance has always dreamed of become
VAMPIRES so he asked me my name, country, State, address, photo, etc. and
asked me to contact the market of spells for the Hindu materials required
for our transformation. So I did and he said that a vampire will
be assigned to guide us and direct us on how the items are to be used.
After five days I and my fiance was totally a vampire. if you are
interested in becoming a vampire, contact him for more information on how
you could also be transformed. Here is LORD DON JUAN email
Do you want to become a vampire,are you tired of human being,having talented brain tyrning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes,without delaying in a good human posture and becoming a immortal.
A world of vampire were life get eaiser,we have made so much persons vampires and have turned them rich,you will assured long life and prosperity,you shall be made to be vsry sensitive to mental alertness,stronger and also very fast,you will not be restricted to walk at night onlyeven at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk,this is an opportunity to have the vampire virus to perform in a good posture. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT US ON OUR EMAIL VAMPIRETRANSFORMATION42@GMAIL.COM
I m like u also need to turn into a vampire because i beleive in vampires as i beleive in air who makes human alive
A book called morphosephram the handbook of shadow by william r wraithe. Good luck kid.
contact me no vampiretransformation42@gmail.com
Do you want to become a vampire,are you tired of human being,having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes,without delaying in a good human posture and becoming a immortal.
A world of vampire were life get easier,we have made so much persons vampires and have turned them rich,you will assured long life and prosperity,you shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness,stronger and also very fast,you will not be restricted to walk at night onlyeven at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk,this is an opportunity to have the vampire virus to perform in a good posture. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED CONTACT US ON OUR EMAIL VAMPIRETRANSFORMATION42@GMAIL.COM
lets talk about becoming a vampire.