Being a fan of the hugely popular American Vampire comics, I just had to check out the mini-series American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares! The American Vampire comics are perfect for horror fans looking for a story with real bite. If you’re a lover of dark and twisted tales then check out my review of Issue # 1 of the five-part comic below.
“Hot on the heels of the award-winning AMERICAN VAMPIRE: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, return to postwar Europe and the vampire-hunting agency known as The Vassals of the Morning Star!
Agent Felicia Book has lived a dark life, filled with tragedy, but she has finally found peace, raising her adoptive son, Gus. When the Vassals return for help tracking the most powerful vampire of all time, she soon learns nothing can prepare her for the threat inside The Coffin!”
Written by: Scott Snyder
Cover by: Dustin Nguyen
Art by: Dustin Nguyen
Colored by: John Kalisz
Art: 5 out of 5
Dustin Nguyen is an amazing artist and continues to make American Vampire awesome. His dark and grungy style fits the tone of the comic just perfectly. I absolutely love both his covers and the inside work he does. He captures each moment flawlessly.
Story: 5 out of 5
Once again American Vampire delivers the horror and doesn’t hold back. You’ve got the sick and morbid pages and the eerie and mysterious ones. The story was captivating and definitely drew you in and left you craving more. I can’t wait to get my hands on Issue #2. I am loving the story so far, and unlike most comics, this first issue wasn’t simply a setup of what’s to come, there was action and movement in the issue.
Overall, I am in love with American Vampire: Lord of Nightmares so far and I highly recommend this comic to the horror fans out there. If you aren’t a fan of gore and death, then I’d pass on this one, but if you are then have yourself a read.
– Moonlight