Review of the Post-Apocalyptic ‘Trinity Blood’

As some may know, I have this odd love for any kind of post-apocalyptic story. Love it! So when I discovered an anime called Trinity Blood which is set far in a post- apocalyptic future filled with vampires, I had to give it a watch! Vampires and the world ending makes me a happy (somewhat disturbing) lady.

Show description:

“Armageddon… The ultimate sin of humanity, perpetrated upon itself, which cast the shroud of death across the world centuries ago. And out of that lasting darkness, they emerged… From the legends of ancient times, they have been called forth into the world anew… Vampires.

Two races, Terran and Methuselah, human and vampire, are locked in a struggle for existence, trembling on the brink of war. Some seek the path to a peaceful coexistence, while others pursue a dangerous shift in the balance of power… And the world’s enemy, Contra Mundi, is starting to move. Cooperation and goodwill between the two races may be their only chance for survival.

Abel Nightroad, a touring priest for the Vatican, walks calmly where others fear to tread. A member of the formidable AX, tasked with the protection of the fragile equilibrium. Neither human nor vampire, with an awkward yet optimistic nature, this Father is a force wholly his own. When the greater threat emerges, the enemy of my enemy is my friend… And Abel Nightroad seeks a safe path for all.”

I found the concept of this show pretty interesting. It’s set centuries after an apocalypse and focuses on a war between humans and vampires… and other mysterious beings. It started off a little slow and a little goofy, but picked up very quickly. The anime’s lead, Abel, is a fantastic character who made the show for me. One moment he is awkward and shy and the next he is this total badass. I am definitely digging this strange character. Only an episode in, I am looking forward to seeing where the story of Trinity Blood goes.

Overall I enjoyed my first episode of Trinity Blood and if you’re a fan of anime I suggest giving it a shot.

– Moonlight

By Moonlight

Moonlight (aka Amanda) loves to write about, read about and learn about everything pertaining to vampires. You will most likely find her huddled over a book of vampire folklore with coffee in hand. Touch her coffee and she may bite you (and not in the fun way).


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