So Many Veins to Choose From…

Of course when we think of vampire bites, we often think of people having two holes spaced a bit apart, on one side of their neck. But what many don’t consider is that the neck has a lot of veins. So, where is the perfect spot for that perfect bite?

The external carotid artery is always the perfect spot for a vampire bite, and is the most popular of the ones that are seen. This artery is just under the jaw, between the earlobe and the collarbone. This artery is so popular because there’s easy access to it but won’t have lethal results should it be pierced.

Some may think that the jugular vein is the best spot for a vampire bite, or that the bites they see occur around the jugular. In fact, getting bitten in the jugular vein will most surely result in death. This vein goes directly to the heart and carries blood from the brain to the heart. Getting bitten here will only make you dead, not part of the undead.

The median cubital vein is a vein that many people have probably had pierced many times. Not necessarily by a vampire but this is the area of the body that lies inside the elbow, where doctors and nurses take blood. Because this blood sticks out a little from the skin, it’s the perfect place for a vampire bite!

The ulnar artery is the artery in the wrist that can be used to take your pulse. This area of the body is the second most favored place for a vampire to bite, coming only after the external carotid artery. Sometimes there are tendons here that get in the way so vampires may need especially sharp fangs to break through them.

The femoral vein lies just behind the knee and is another easy spot for a vampire bite. Just remember that if you want a vampire to bite you here, keep the access to it open as this area isn’t always very exposed.


  1. Pingback: vampires
  2. Hi Guys whoever reads this better whatch out for me or i will bite i am about to say it to whoever reads this i am a vampire.Dont even try to come to my house exept if your a vampire you can come.You want to know how i became one.Well it started when my friend bit me.We were best friends i knew about her secret but nowone else did.Just me.She trusted me to keep her secret and i did.And then we were so much of friend the day came she bit me.Just me.Her grandpa gave it to her and its been going on for many generations in her family.

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