Every country has its own vampire myths, its own vampire species and one country with some of my all time favorite vampire legends is Albania. Due to being in the Balkans, with Yugoslavia to the north and Greece to the south, Albania has been susceptible to the cultural influences of the other Balkan states, which…
Tag: Albanian Vampire
Spreading the Bloodlust
The majority of vampire myths feature a fiendish undead creature that drains every drop of its victim’s blood, but not all vampires are that monstrous, some are a smidge kinder. For example, the Albanian lugat chooses to take only a small amount of blood from their prey, leaving them weakened but alive. While not ideal…
Babies, Insects and Blood
Oh vampire lore, how I love thee. If you’re new to the site then let me fill you in, I love vampire folklore, I especially love how nearly every country in the world has its own species of vampire. Today’s myth is another one about witch vampires, but this witch it the Albanian shtriga. The…
Glowing Eyes and… Heels?
It’s vampire lore time! Today’s vampire species is that of the Albanian Sampiro. The sampiro is for sure one of the strangest kind of vampires from vampire lore, it’s definitely not what you would call the average vamp. Its appearance for starters is totally peculiar, the description varies from region to region but the overall…