Give a Book for All Hallow’s Read 2012

It’s that magnificent time of year again! It’s All Hallow’s Read! Yay! All Hallow’s Read is a Halloween tradition created by the brilliant author Neil Gaiman. In the week of Halloween, or on the night itself, you give someone a scary book. Simple! It could be a loved one, a friend, or hey, even a…

All Hallow’s Read is Back!

Last year horror author Neil Gaiman created All Hallow’s Read, a day where you give a loved one a horror book in celebration of Halloween. When I wrote about All Hallow’s Read last year it was still a new idea, just something he happened to mention on his Twitter one day, but since then this…

Neil Gaiman’s All Hallow’s Read!

Neil Gaiman, beloved horror and fantasy author, put an awesome idea up on Twitter a few days ago: “This year make Halloween All Hallow’s Read.” Neil suggested giving someone you love a scary book on the 31st. Being the colossal book geek I am, I think that has got to be the best Halloween idea…