Author Interview: Travis Ludke

Travis Ludke is the author of the Nightlife Series and part of the latest wave of Urban Fantasy vampire authors. He’s currently running a poll to help select his newest cover and I thought it would be cool to interview him. Hello everybody, Travis Luedke here. A lifelong fan of vampire films and novels, I…

Kindle Winners for January 2011

Congratulations to the winners of our first 2011 Kindle giveaway contest sponsored by Knuckle Supper! Don’t feel bad if you weren’t randomly selected this time around, we’ll be giving away an Amazon Kindle every month in 2011. Check back often for details about our other giveaways. The question was: What was Bait’s sisters name? The…

Evenings on Dark Island: Another Vampire Spoof?

This time in book form; ‘Evenings on Dark Island’ tells the story of one hell of a day spa. The book was written as a light comedy about vampires by two Florida residents, –people who know the spa life better than anyone else. Evenings on Dark Island has a great plot, and sounds genuinely funny,…