True Blood – Season 4 Finale – And When I Die Wow. Just, wow. Most of this finale was just wrapping things up; the whole sequence with Marnie and Lafayette and Jesus didn’t actually last that long. Once that was over, at about the halfway mark, they got busy establishing peeks into the new subplots…
Tag: american vampire league
Are You Ready for the True Blood Season Finale?!
Hang on to your asses, people! The True Blood season finale is this Sunday night, and I dunno about you, but I plan to live that hour in sheer, bittersweet bliss by ordering a massive pizza, with extra garlic sauce, and getting sugar-drunk on M&Ms Sonic Blast…. the biggest one they can fit through the…
True Blood Season 4 – Soul of Fire
True Blood – Season 4 – Soul of Fire Great episode; naturally there were a few things that peeved me, but, on the other hand, the body count alone, plus the mad action, made everything worthwhile. And this isn’t even the climax! We still have a hellacious shindig waiting for us in the next episode,…
Christmas in September… Lookit, True Blood Video Prezzies!
I might be just -slightly- overreacting here, but …HOLY CRAP LOOKIT ALL THE AWESOME TRUE BLOOD PREVIEWS!!!! Okay, it’s officially… well, somewhat out of my system. And there are definitely some great moments here too. The first one might just be my favorite. Jason Stands Up for Sookie That’s right, you undead douchebags! “Fuckin’ Sookie!”…
True Blood Season 4 – Burning Down the House
True Blood – Season 4 – Burning Down the House A lot went on this episode; some sad stuff happened, and a particularly unpleasant discovery was also made about Marnie and Antonia. There are now only two episodes left, and things are getting pretty tense. Bon Temps hasn’t devolved into total chaos yet, but it’s…
Jason’s Guilt Trip, Tara’s Rage, and Andy’s Intervention in the Next Episode of True Blood –Finally!
I dunno about you guys, but I have been waiting for someone to finally confront Andy about his V-addiction. You know, aside from Jason’s goofy ass. He had his own problems dealing with V, so it’s not like he’s in a position to be much help. And although he did kick the habit, well.. Jason…
True Blood Season 4 – Let’s Get Out of Here
True Blood – Season 4 – Let’s Get Out of Here There are three episodes left after tonight, and phew! Sookie almost died in this episode. I mean, we all know there’s no way Sookie can die, because the show is about her. This isn’t American Beauty, for god’s sake. Anyway, she can experience torture,…
Jessica, Nan, Hoyt, and Merlotte Find Themselves Under Fire in the Next Episode of True Blood!
Not literally ‘under fire’, like, being shot at (although Hoyt does come pretty close). They’re all just in very stressful situations in the next episode. But if they weren’t, then what fun would they be? It looks like several issues are coming to a head, while others are still building up like tropical storms off…
True Blood Season 4 – Spellbound
True Blood – Season 4 – Spellbound Is it weird that part of me already misses True Blood? The season is winding down, and there’s been great action, but … it’s just so damn short. There are only four more episodes. They better make them damn good. On the flip side, I have noticed that…
Werewolves, Vampires, and Witches, OH MY! in This Week’s True Blood Previews
The next episode of True Blood looks good, but from what I’ve seen, this is where people start drawing lines in the sand, and joining sides. Not everyone is going to stay true to those sides, is my best guess. There’s always someone towards the end, making a last decision, and adding a straw to…