With people looking for original vampire stories all the time, one public service would be to provide some. The following might not be completely original, but none as far as this author is aware has been the basis for a film or a t.v. series. Not even once. Offered with no strings attached to anyone…
Tag: angels
Exclusive Interview with Joanne Valiukas
Joanne Valiukas is a new author on the scene that had the brilliant idea of taking two of today’s most beloved beings – vampires and angels – and placing them together in her novel Danann Frost Falls from Grace. Check out the interview I did with the author on her debut novel: Can you tell…
Are Angels the New Vampires? Plus! Book Review and Giveaway!
Angels have always been closely linked with vampires; after Christianity’s hostile takeover of most of the world, other beliefs and mythologies became a solid amalgamation, creating the complex theology surround Catholicism and Judaism. Gods, goddesses, monsters, and creatures, became angels, saints, and demons, –even vampires can be easily incorporated into the theology of angels, as…