Being the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fangirl I am, I am making my way through as many Buffy comics as I can. Today’s comic of choice is the 5-issue mini-series Spike VS Dracula! Every Buffy fan remembers the episode with Dracula, which was one of the most hilarious of episodes, and now readers can get…
Tag: Angelus
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Jenny Calendar
Jenny was the beautiful computer science teacher at Sunnydale High. She was brilliant and playfully cocky, making her an awesome teacher and a huge headache to Giles (who wasn’t a fan of her modern approach). Jenny, who was a techno-pagan and a member cyber-coven, helped out the Scooby Gang quite a bit in the first…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Master
The Master was the very first big bad on the show. He was this horrifying and hideous ancient vampire that caused poor Buffy all sorts of trouble. The Master was the leader of the Order of Aurelius, an ancient vampire cult. We never learn when he was sired, but we do know that by 1609…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Joyce Summers
We can’t have Buffy bios and skip out on Buffy’s mom! So this one is for Joyce, Buffy’s awesome and understanding (usually) mom. When Joyce wasn’t running her art gallery she was taking care of Buffy. They had a pretty close relationship, but like most moms, she wasn’t a fan of Buffy’s teenage attitude and…
‘Angel’ Comic Returning to Dark Horse
Here’s some good news (maybe) for the Buffy fans out there – Dark Horse recently revealed in the editor’s column in the back of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8: Riley” that they had reacquired the license to Joss Whedon’s “Angel” and would begin publishing new comics featuring the sexy vamp in 2011. IDW Publishing…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Darla
Darla was a mixed bag for me, one episode I absolutely hated the vampire bitch, then the next I loved her. She may not have been hilarious compared to the others, but you’ve got to admit her timing and execution was excellent. But in all honesty, it wasn’t until she went to Angel’s spin-off show…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Drusilla
Drusilla, my favorite Buffy character of all! She was insane, psychic, and a vampire – perfect! She was so wonderfully twisted and dark, yet still playful and childlike. In 1860 Angelus had became obsessed with the human Drusilla, a lovely young Catholic woman who lived with her parents and two sisters in London, England. Drusilla…
Angel- Season One
Determined to prove to himself that there is life after Buffy, Angel leaves Sunnydale after helping the Scoobies defeat Mayor Richard Wilkins and heads off to Los Angeles. Hoping to make a difference in the world Angel embarks on a quest to help the helpless in hopes of making amends for the horrible things he…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Rupert Giles
Giles was Buffy’s beloved mentor and friend, he was born in England into a family of Watchers (those who train and guide Slayers), both his grandmother and father were one. When he was young he was absolutely against the idea of being a Watcher. While attending Oxford University he tried to escape his Watcher future…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Angel
Most know Angel as the vampire with a soul, others know him as one of the sexiest vampires on the show, the man that stole everyone’s heart when he came on screen, not just Buffy’s. The human Angel, known then as Liam, was born in 1727 in Ireland. In 1753, it was Darla that turned…