Kat Graham Reveals the Future of Vampire Diaries!

Not the -whole- future, just a few little spoilers about what might be happening in the rest of the season. And we need the intel for sure; the fact that those executive jerks think we can handle all these god forsaken interruptions. On a more serious note though, I think that their plan to keep…

The Vampire Diaries Season 1, Episode 10

Despite the last episode tying pretty much everything up, and introducing a couple new characters, this episode was pretty action packed. Logan is turned down an invitation, –thank god, since Logan is dead. He grabs a jogger for a snack, and heads out for the night. Jeremy Gilbert is reading and learning more about the…

The Vampire Diaries, Season 1, Episode 9

This is a really busy episode; questions are answered, and a new character is introduced. First of all, it’s becoming more clear that Emily is haunting Bonnie, and she wants something. There’s a little bit of weirdness between Matt and Caroline that only gets worse when Caroline confronts Matt after school, wanting to know what’s…