Ten Things You Don’t Know About Dracula

1. He never once hints that he himself is Vlad the Impaler (although there is the suggestion that maybe he is related to that figure). For that matter, the most current scholarship into the novel indicates Stoker himself hardly knew anything more about the historical Vlad Tepes (pronounced tseh-PESH) than the name. It sounded good,…

Masters of Horror: The V Word

The V Word begins with the boys, Justin and Kerry, getting the clever idea in their heads to go to the mortuary where Justin’s cousin, James, works. It’s very cliché horror, lights that won’t turn on, doors mysteriously slamming closed, blood splatters, and open caskets. They soon find the body of Justin’s cousin, whose throat…

What Do Vampires Look Like?

Over the years vampires have taken on various appearances, be it sophisticated or monstrous. The most popular and well known vampire look mostly due to Bela Lugosi and his role in the old Dracula flick. Christopher Lee and Frank Langella later helped to reinforce Lugosi’s look. You’ve got the male vampire dressed impeccably in classy…

The Best Known Dracula Movies

Bram Stoker’s influential novel, Dracula, has inspired a ton of movies… seriously, there are SO many Dracula movies. I mean, if you type “Dracula” into the IMDB search bar you get well over a hundred results. While I’m sure there are a bunch of real gems in those results, I’m going to stick with a…

Fashionable Vampires … or not

Maybe it’s just me being girly but I always love looking at the clothes the designers create for vampires in movies and TV shows. Sometimes they’re absolutely ridiculous, other times they’re damn sexy and sometimes they are brilliant works of art. Here’s a small list of a few vampire looks used throughout the years (check…

The Truth Behind Transylvania

We hear or read the word “Transylvania” and we instantly think “vampire.” We have Bram Stoker to thank for that since Transylvania (which translates as “Land Beyond the Forest”) was pretty much unknown to the world before his legendary vampire novel Dracula came out. When writing his book Stoker picked Transylvania (known to the Romanians…

How To Be The Perfect Vampire

…and by “perfect vampire” I of course mean “perfectly stereotypical vampire.” Damn near everything has a label or image associated with it, especially vampires and vamps have one very big classic stereotype. Here is your list of instructions on how to be the perfectly horrid perfect vampire. Take notes, you want to get it right.…

Playboy Makes Vampires Even Sexier

…and who thought that was even possible? It’s no secret that the world of entertainment has been taken over by our favorite blood sucking creatures of the night. But you really know a fad is popular when the hotties over at Playboy join in on sexy fun, and man is it sexy. Just in time…

Vampire Films

There are more than likely thousands of vampire movies out there, but most notably, the movie Blade, about the comic book hero, half vampire, half human, the definitive Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and Interview With The Vampire, the debut novel of the Vampire Chronicles authored by Anne Rice made into a film, with it’s sequel, Queen…