Teen Books Coming October 2010

This October brings us a big dose of young adult vampire books. Woot! From ongoing series to new novels, this month is full of reads fit for anyone looking for a new book to lose themselves in. Check out October’s teen books: Eternal: More Love Stories with Bite by P. C. Cast This the second…

Are Angels the New Vampires? Plus! Book Review and Giveaway!

Angels have always been closely linked with vampires; after Christianity’s hostile takeover of most of the world, other beliefs and mythologies became a solid amalgamation, creating the complex theology surround Catholicism and Judaism. Gods, goddesses, monsters, and creatures, became angels, saints, and demons, –even vampires can be easily incorporated into the theology of angels, as…

What’s Your Favorite YA Vampire Series?

Vampires are everywhere nowadays, especially in young adult fiction. You’ve got a large selection of vampire series to choose from, but which one is your favorite? Check out the list below and let us know which one you love the most. Or if I forgot one, let your voice be heard and fill me in.…

Sigourney Weaver Appearing in Vampire Comedy ‘Vamps’

The Hollywood Reporter announced on Wednesday that Sigourney Weaver won’t just be appearing in the new horror comedy, ‘Vamps’, directed by Amy Heckerling, –she’ll be starring as ‘queen of the vampires,’ Ciccerus. If anyone could pull off Queen of the Vampires, it’s the frosty, always elegant and authoritative Weaver. Speaking of, she’s 60 in this…

The Winners of the Blue Bloods Book Contest!

Finally! It’s been forever, but we’ve got our winners! There are three winners, the first place winner’s piece about which Blue Bloods character she most identifies with, is presented below. 1st Place: Georgia 2nd Place: Vivian 3rd Place: Stan Congratulations to all our winners, and we hope they enjoy their fabulous prizes; a box set…

Blue Bloods Autographed Book Contest Updates!

As you may have noticed, I have not posted the names of winners just yet, –I said I’d do it on January 1st. That’s because I’ve decided to extend the contest a little bit. We’ve gotten a lot of fabulous entries, but I want to be sure that everyone gets a chance to be in…

Blue Bloods Contest Reminder

As mentioned in the Exclusive Interview with Melissa de la Cruz, author of the fantastic Blue Bloods series, Vampires.com is holding a contest and giving away box sets!  These would be great to give away to friends if you already own them yourself.  Introduce others into the fantastic world of Blue Bloods.  We’re also giving…

Blue Bloods Book Contest Update!

Hey Guys! Guess what? We now have three autographed copies of the new Blue Bloods novel, The Van Alen Legacy, available as contest prizes! Melissa de la Cruz has blessed us with autographed hardback copies of her latest novels, and we’re giving them away for free! .. Well, almost free… if you haven’t heard any…

Exclusive Interview with Melissa de la Cruz… PLUS! Huge Contest!

One of my favorite authors of all time is Melissa de la Cruz; she’s got a very realistic way of describing cities like New York, and L.A. that make you feel as if you’ve known the urban geography all your life, and at the same time, make you wish you were there, –almost like homesickness…