Why Fangs?

It remains one of the iconic images of the vampire. Lengthened, piercing teeth, usually (but not always) the bicuspids or eye teeth. Sometimes they stretch to the point of becoming tusks or the saber-teeth of the extinct Smilodon. Other times just a subtle increase in length and reshaping creates the effect. Especially since the Hammer…


Brian Lumley’s “Necroscope” series pretty much serve as an antidote to anyone disgusted by syrupy sweetness in tales of the undead. Imagine vampires not as fallen angels. Not as darkly mysterious creatures of the night. Imagine vampires as mutated (and mutating) demons. The undead as imagined by H.P. Lovecraft crossed with the more disturbing sexuality…

By Blood We Live

By Blood We Live is an excellent collection of vampire stories written by the masters that have conquered the horror and supernatural genres. This book pulls together three decades worth of vampire tales that come in all flavors – from the good to the bad, this collection covers stories about men, women, the undead, the…