It had to happen eventually; any great foreign film, fiercely popular, and deliciously disturbing, is bound to become -wince- an American remake: Let Me In. And no, sorry, but this isn’t just a rumor. iMDB lists the film as ‘in production’, meaning it is currently being made, and there’s already a tentative cast listed as…
Tag: Celis T. Rono
Review for ‘That Which Bites’ & Exclusive Interview with Author Celis T. Rono
Horror-Fantasy genres, and the vampire/human romance literature craze can welcome a refreshingly new addition: That Which Bites, by Celis T. Rono. Our heroine is Julia Poe, surviving in a post-apocalyptic world where her fellow humans are few and far between, but there are vampires aplenty. Before you start assuming the worst; this is no amalgam…