Just Jared Jr. Vampire Diaries’ Dobrev: It’d Be a Shame if Damon and Elena Didn’t Fight for … TV Guide Now that Elena has professed her love for Damon on the The Vampire Diaries, the big question is: How long before Damon messes it up?the night desk…
Tag: damon and elena
Elena and Damon… in Paris!
Ah, l’amour… at least, I hope. As you all know, I’m a devout member of Team Damon, and according to the latest on the blog-o-sphere, Damon and Elena are headed to Paris. Stars Ian Somerhalder and Nina Dobrev have apparently been dating! Le gasp! But, though they are vacationing together in Paris, they’ve brought their…
Kat Graham Reveals the Future of Vampire Diaries!
Not the -whole- future, just a few little spoilers about what might be happening in the rest of the season. And we need the intel for sure; the fact that those executive jerks think we can handle all these god forsaken interruptions. On a more serious note though, I think that their plan to keep…
Vampire Media Lies, Hot New TB Poster, Damon and Elena not Happening Soon, in this Week’s Vampire Bites
Sad but true about that Damon and Elena thing; I have to say, I’m on ‘Team Damon’ if such a thing exists. Not that Stefan isn’t cool, but Ian Somerhalder just gets my juices flowing… Nina Dobrev says that Elena’s really just into Stefan right now… but there’s still hope for Damon in the future. Even…
Damon Salvatore Gets a New Girlfriend
A new squeeze will be added to the cast of Vampire Diaries, –and since everyone but Damon is tied up in romantic drama (okay, well, if you count his passionate love of Elena, then he is too), she’s going to be Damon’s new ladyfriend. Personally, I don’t think the addition of another Damon groupie is…
The Vampire Diaries Season 1, Episode 13
This episode starts with a great example of what a bitch Katherine was back in the day; and quickly segues into blatant morning cuddles between Stefan and Elena. They’re either full-on screwing, or just ‘snuggling’. Either way, Damon is too excited to wait until they get moving on their own, and quickly dishes out the…