I interview a LOT of authors and every time I do I throw in a random question or two that has absolutely nothing to do with their book (because it’s fun!). One of my favorite questions to ask is – If vampires were discovered to exist today, do you think our society would accept them…
Tag: Darren Shan
All Hallow’s Read is Back!
Last year horror author Neil Gaiman created All Hallow’s Read, a day where you give a loved one a horror book in celebration of Halloween. When I wrote about All Hallow’s Read last year it was still a new idea, just something he happened to mention on his Twitter one day, but since then this…
Why Do You Think People Love Vampires So Much?
Over the past few years I have interviewed many wonderful authors and I absolutely love it. Since talking about their book and nothing else is a little boring, I like to throw in a few other vampire related questions to makes things more interesting and one of my favorite questions to ask is – “Given…
Vampire Books Coming October 2011
October is here! Woo! This is the month we watch scary movie marathons, dress up in costumes, eat mass quantities of candy, and of course, read horror books! Luckily, there are loads of wonderfully bloody and chilling vampire books being released this month. Let Halloween month begin! Here’s a look at the vamptastic books hitting…
Vampire Books Coming April 2011
We have loads of vampire books coming out this month! April is definitely a good month for all of the vampire-lovin’ bookworms out there. There’s a little bit of everything – horror, romance, mystery, and even some non-fiction. Check out it out! Sleeping Beauty: Vampire Slayer (Twisted Tales) by Maureen McGowan In this story, Sleeping…
Neil Gaiman’s All Hallow’s Read!
Neil Gaiman, beloved horror and fantasy author, put an awesome idea up on Twitter a few days ago: “This year make Halloween All Hallow’s Read.” Neil suggested giving someone you love a scary book on the 31st. Being the colossal book geek I am, I think that has got to be the best Halloween idea…
Exclusive Interview with Darren Shan!
I’ve got a hell of a treat for you guys today – an exclusive interview with bestselling author Darren Shan! As a huge Cirque Du Freak fan, you can only imagine how excited I was when he agreed to do an interview with me (there was some happy dancing involved). Shan’s unique vampire mythos continues…
Teen Books Coming October 2010
This October brings us a big dose of young adult vampire books. Woot! From ongoing series to new novels, this month is full of reads fit for anyone looking for a new book to lose themselves in. Check out October’s teen books: Eternal: More Love Stories with Bite by P. C. Cast This the second…
Cirque Du Freak Isn’t Over Yet! New Book Coming!
I absolutely loved Darren Shan’s Cirque Du Freak series! It is one of the few perfectly unique vampire stories out there; Shan took vampires and made them his own and the result was pure awesome. It sucked when the series ended – but it looks like it’s not entirely over, not yet. That’s right! Another…
What’s Your Favorite YA Vampire Series?
Vampires are everywhere nowadays, especially in young adult fiction. You’ve got a large selection of vampire series to choose from, but which one is your favorite? Check out the list below and let us know which one you love the most. Or if I forgot one, let your voice be heard and fill me in.…