Supernatural season 8 continues next week with episode 5, “Blood Brother,” which airs on Halloween night! This is definitely the perfect show to have on for Halloween. What’s even better is that it’s finally time for Dean’s brother to meet his new friend from purgatory. Check out the details and preview below! Episode 8.05 –…
Tag: dean winchester
Supernatural… The Anime Series?
So Dear Readers, I recently came across something I never even knew existed – an anime based on the show Supernatural! How did I not know about this?! Of course the second I saw it I had to look into it since I love me some Supernatural. Supernatural: The Anime Series was released a few…
‘The Vampire Diaries’ and ‘Supernatural’ Picked Up For Another Season!
Hurray! The CW recently announced that two of our favorite shows, The Vampire Diaries and Supernatural, will be back for another season in Fall 2011! That means we’re getting another entire season of sexy vampire brothers! And, hopefully, another Supernatural season full of vampires! According to the CW blog: “The CW’s bloodily addictive hit THE…
Amber Benson is returning to ‘Supernatural’
I am happy to report that that Amber Benson is returning to Supernatural! Yay! Amber is best known for her role on Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Tara, Willow’s girlfriend whose death led to the witch going all evil. But to the Supernatural fans, Amber is known as the vampire Lenore from season 2. And…
Live Free or Twihard
Don’t worry guys, Live Free or Twihard isn’t some new crazy Twilight parody mashup (although that might be slightly entertaining). In fact, it’s an upcoming episode of Supernatural that pokes fun at the Twilight franchise and other teen vampires in entertainment. Yes! Sam and Dean mocking Twilight – those boys just got sexier (who knew…
Babies, Insects and Blood
Oh vampire lore, how I love thee. If you’re new to the site then let me fill you in, I love vampire folklore, I especially love how nearly every country in the world has its own species of vampire. Today’s myth is another one about witch vampires, but this witch it the Albanian shtriga. The…