Vampire Books Coming March 2014

Here are this months vampire novels coming out! Enjoy! :) Kindred of Darkness: A vampire kidnapping (James Asher Vampire Novel) by Barbara Hambly (Mar 1, 2014) When James Asher and his wife Lydia’s baby daughter Miranda is kidnapped by the Master Vampire of London, the stakes are high: blindly follow the Master Vampire’s instructions, keep out of the…

Getting the Most Out of Being a Vampire

After taking one of those “Who Were You?” quizzes on Facebook recently, it turns out that I am a direct descendant of one of the most powerful and oldest vampires in history. The results showed that I didn’t just become a vampire out of nowhere, but simply put, I was just born evil. You may…

Dating a Vampire

I don’t know about you, but I’m just not quite sure how those T.V. and movie characters like that of The Vampire Diaries and the Twilight series could stand dating a vampire. There are so many rules, i.e. no sunlight, no biting, and the like that the undead have to follow. I’m sure it could…

Vampires Take Over New York City

Dr. Seward, a loyal subject of Dracula himself has shared his thoughts on running a vampire tour in the city that never sleeps and whether or not he believes if vampires truly exist. Let’s read what he has to say… In these rough economic times, how has your tour been affected for the good or…