Who is Your Favorite Vampire?

Our beloved creatures of the night are lurking everywhere, in the darkened scenes of films, between the bloodied pages of books, in chilling video games… vampires are everywhere. Out of the many vampires haunting our favorite stories – which one is your favorite? Is it the lead in a vampire romance? An evil monster in…

What is Your Favorite Vampire Series?

There are thousands upon thousands of vampire books that have been written, and with so many out there it makes it difficult to choose which book of the undead you’ll read next. Some people prefer one-shot books, while others adore a series of books that they can really fall into – this post is for…

Moonlight’s Top 10 Favorite Vampires

Due to my love of vampires and my love of making lists (I’m hardcore like that) I am making a list of my personal favorite vampires. I’ve been seeing these lists pop up all over the interwebs lately, and I feel like joining in on the list-making fun. And of course, I ask you to…

Young Adult Romance Novels For Love-Struck Vampire Fans

Vampire romance is in the air due to the recent release of the latest Twilight film, and that means we’ve got loads of love-hungry vampire fans looking for passionate stories to fall deeply into. Now, you could read Twilight for the hundredth time, or you can check out one of the young adult books listed…

Vampire Books That Would Rock As Movies!

Even though movies that are based on books are rarely accurate and tend to piss of most readers, we still love hearing that our favorite books are hitting the big screen – even if later we’re disappointed. Here’s a few vampire books that I would rush to see if they were ever in theaters. Leave…

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes is Back!

Back to writing about vampires that is! Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, one of my favorite vampire authors, has returned to her vampire world with the upcoming novel All Just Glass. Finally! Amelia’s Den of Shadows currently consists of four amazing vampire tales – In the Forests of the Night, Demon in My View, Shattered Mirror and Midnight…

List of VILF (Vampires I’d Like to F**k)

Vampires ooze sexuality and desire – the power, the experience, the breathtaking sexiness – what’s not to love about them? Here’s my personal list of the top 10 vampires I’d love to spend a night, or two, with. Leave a comment and let us know who would be on your list, or even who would…

Teen Series: Old and New

With the massive popularity of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Saga and the growing popularity of L.J. Smith’s Vampire Diaries (now with its own show) it is pretty clear that vampires have a huge teenage fan base. But, the two big series mentioned above aren’t the only great young adult vamp books out. If you were to…