Vampire Books Coming May 2013

It’s May – the month of flowers, cool breezes and a lot of fangtastic vampire books! There are quite a few excellent reads coming to bookstores this month. May is looking like an awesome month for vampire fans. Check out the goodies coming our way. (Click titles to view on Amazon) Taken by a Vampire…

Vampire Books Coming December 2011

It’s that time again! The time to take a peek at all of the fangtastic vampire books coming out this month! Woot! Sadly, there aren’t many vampire books being released this December. But worry not, a few of them sound excellent, so this month isn’t a total downer. (Click titles to view on Amazon) Interdisciplinary…

Vampire Books Coming February 2011

It’s my favorite time of month – the first! It’s the glorious day where we take a look at all the vampire books coming out this month! I am happy to report that vampire books are still going strong and we have loads of goodies coming out this February. Check out the fangtastic books hitting…