Being the Buffy the Vampire Slayer fangirl I am, I am making my way through as many Buffy comics as I can. Today’s comic of choice is the 5-issue mini-series Spike VS Dracula! Every Buffy fan remembers the episode with Dracula, which was one of the most hilarious of episodes, and now readers can get…
Tag: Drusilla
Buffy’s Juliet Landau to Continue Drusilla’s Insanity in Print
As some may know, I am a hardcore Buffy the Vampire Slayer fangirl, and of the many wonderful characters on both Buffy and Angel, Drusilla is one of my absolute favorites. This vampire was deadly, heartbreaking and hilarious all at once. She was such an unique mixture of traits that you wouldn’t expect to work…
Moonlight’s Top 10 Favorite Vampires
Due to my love of vampires and my love of making lists (I’m hardcore like that) I am making a list of my personal favorite vampires. I’ve been seeing these lists pop up all over the interwebs lately, and I feel like joining in on the list-making fun. And of course, I ask you to…
Top 10 Buffy Episodes
While organizing my DVD collection I got distracted (as usual) and started going through my Buffy the Vampire Slayer DVDs, reading the back of each season and reminiscing about all of the fantastic Buffy episodes. And, that there is what inspired today’s post – a look back at ten of the best Buffy episodes! Now,…
Why Lesbian Vampires?
For all practical purposes, the trope Vampire Lesbian emerged with Joseph Sheridan LeFanu’s novella “Carmilla.” Eventually, with the rise of a new medium–motion pictures–an adaptation of that story appeared. “Crypt of the Vampire” became one of the still-relatively few such. The trope, however, could be seen in “Dracula’s Daughter” as well as the eerie “Vampyr.”…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Jenny Calendar
Jenny was the beautiful computer science teacher at Sunnydale High. She was brilliant and playfully cocky, making her an awesome teacher and a huge headache to Giles (who wasn’t a fan of her modern approach). Jenny, who was a techno-pagan and a member cyber-coven, helped out the Scooby Gang quite a bit in the first…
Bad Undead Boys
Honestly, I didn’t like the movie “The Lost Boys.” Yes, the music and cinematography were both fantastic, but like too many movies then and now the lead character was boring. Since he didn’t involve me, I didn’t care what happened to him. More, the story didn’t feel like a story. More like a series of…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Darla
Darla was a mixed bag for me, one episode I absolutely hated the vampire bitch, then the next I loved her. She may not have been hilarious compared to the others, but you’ve got to admit her timing and execution was excellent. But in all honesty, it wasn’t until she went to Angel’s spin-off show…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Drusilla
Drusilla, my favorite Buffy character of all! She was insane, psychic, and a vampire – perfect! She was so wonderfully twisted and dark, yet still playful and childlike. In 1860 Angelus had became obsessed with the human Drusilla, a lovely young Catholic woman who lived with her parents and two sisters in London, England. Drusilla…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike
The sexiest vampire of them all! Spike, also known as William the Bloody, got his nickname due to his fondness for torturing victims with railroad spikes. However, his William the Bloody nickname has much less glamorous origins – he had the name before his vampire days, as a result of his “bloody awful poetry.” William…