Ever since official news came of a motion picture version of “Twilight,” debate raged over casting. Initially, a lot of that centered around the character of Edward with a fan favorite for the role being Tom Welling, aka Clarke Kent of “Smallville” fame. Stephanie Meyers herself made a telling comment–that the story utterly depends upon…
Tag: edward
Bella’s ‘Breaking Dawn’ Wedding Dress
Judging by the ratty and ripped up t-shirt I am wearing and the bright purple polish on my nails, it’s pretty obvious that I’m not big into fashion and style. But apparently many of the Twi-hards out there are, which is why I’m sitting here typing about Bella’s wedding dress in the upcoming Twilight flick,…
Robert Pattinson Chats About His ‘Twilight’ Breakup
The Twilight Saga is finally coming to an end as the actors slowly wrap up the final two movies, and well, for some it’s bitter sweet. Robert Pattinson, who was made unbelievably famous by the first film in 2008, recently chatted about his final scenes as Edward Cullen and how he felt about the Twilight…
Why Do You Want to be a Vampire?
Here at Vampires.com we have a lot, and I mean A LOT, of people leaving comments begging someone to turn them into a vampire. It’s an everyday thing and honestly, I usually just ignore these hundreds of requests. But while reading the latest ones it started to get me thinking – why? Why do you…
Worst Vampire Movie of All Time
Those readers who cannot stomach the syrupy sweetness and sparkle-skinness (is that a word?) of “Twilight,” proceed and learn some good news. Or bad. Depends on your point of view, really. Suffice to say the tale of Edward and Bella might have been much, much worse. Some debate exists in terms of ordinary cinema over…
The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause
Before Bella and Edward, before Bill and Sookie, before Elena and Stefan there was Zoe and Simon… Published in 1990, “The Silver Kiss” by Annette Curtis Klause (of “Blood and Chocolate” fame) tells a story that these days seems cliché. Yet it was not so then. The story is about a lonely teenage girl who…
Review, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Things are coming to a head between the Cullens and Victoria; the revenge mad vampire who wants nothing more than to kill Bella. As usual Edward tries his best to keep the truth of the dangers that await Bella from her, only Bella hates being kept out of the loop. Jacob is of course more…
Bio Briefs: Twilight’s Bella, Edward and Jacob
Twilight Biography Briefs featuring Bella, Edward and Jacob. Three of the most popular characters from the Twilight saga, but which character in the series is your favorite? Be warned, there are spoilers ahead. Bella Swan moves into her father’s home in the rainy, cold, and dreary city of Forks, Washington. On her first day of…
RiffTrax Tackles New Moon!
I am a devout fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000, so when RiffTrax came out more than a decade after the show was canceled, I practically had a brain aneurysm. I think I went over this the last time I posted about the Masters of Schlock covering Twilight; if you love New Moon, or hate…
The New Moon Theater Experience!
Wow, what an experience it is too. So, book your tickets, drive to the theater, rush in about two minutes after the previews have started, sit waaaay up in the front, –but check the seat for gum, spit, and anything that resembles chocolate first, because you’re wearing your favorite pair of jeans, –and oh oh,…