Watch the full trailer for the seventh and final season of ‘True Blood’!the night desk’s insight:I watched and rewatched the final trailer for ‘True Blood’ and noticed the complete absence of Eric Northman. Does this mean he will not be back til very…
Tag: Eric Northman
WTF True Blood?!?
Okay, am I the only True Blood fan who feels like this show has jumped the shark? Not just the shark, either, but also the school of rabid piranha that live next to the shark? With the new season about to start and anticipation building, I thought this might be the right time for me…
True Blood Season 6: Eric and Alcide Waiting Sucks Videos
True Blood Season 6 won’t officially arrive until June 16, but HBO is getting us excited by continuing the ever-popular “Waiting Sucks” series of behind-the-scenes teases. We’ve already seen the video of Jason Stackhouse and since then HBO has posted two more videos, one of Alcide and one of Eric. Check them out! Eric’s video…
True Blood Promises More Sex, Were-Tigers, and Reveals New Trailer!
Thanks to the awesome that is Comic-Con, we have all kinds of True Blood spoilers and hints at what’s to come! The cast and producer held a panel where they answered all sorts of questions about the current season. They revealed some juicy details about sex, bromances, flashbacks and more. Plus, they shared a season…
What Did You Think of the True Blood Season 5 Premiere?
After months of waiting and countless promotions teasingly flung in our faces Season 5 of True Blood has finally arrived! The season opener, titled Turn! Turn! Turn!, premiered last night on HBO. Everyone had high expectations for the long-awaited episode and the question of the day is – did it deliver? It did! For me…
5 Things to Know About the True Blood Season 5 Premiere
The lucky folks over at E! Online got an advance viewing of the first episode of True Blood Season 5 and shared just a tiny bit of info on what the fans can expect. Check out the five things you can expect from the season opener, which airs tonight (June 10)! 1. What happens to…
Eric Tortures Pam in Latest True Blood Promo!
HBO knows that True Blood fans are hungry for any news on Season 5, they know that “Waiting Sucks,” which is why they have released another promo video. With this latest sneak peek, HBO is showing viewers that no one is safe in True Blood. The new “Waiting Sucks” promo for True Blood season five…
First ‘True Blood’ Season 5 Trailer Released!
HBO just released the first real trailer for True Blood Season 5! Yes, an actual trailer with actual scenes from Season 5! Thank goodness because I was getting sick of those flashback promos. The trailer gives us a quick sneak peek at the upcoming season and shows that it’s going to be a hot and…
True Blood Season Finale – And When I Die
True Blood – Season 4 Finale – And When I Die Wow. Just, wow. Most of this finale was just wrapping things up; the whole sequence with Marnie and Lafayette and Jesus didn’t actually last that long. Once that was over, at about the halfway mark, they got busy establishing peeks into the new subplots…
Are You Ready for the True Blood Season Finale?!
Hang on to your asses, people! The True Blood season finale is this Sunday night, and I dunno about you, but I plan to live that hour in sheer, bittersweet bliss by ordering a massive pizza, with extra garlic sauce, and getting sugar-drunk on M&Ms Sonic Blast…. the biggest one they can fit through the…