‘True Blood’ :Tears From Stars and Fans Alike

Lauren Bowles says there was some “ugly” crying when the cast read the series’ final script In less than an hour the first episode of the final season will begin.  Anna Paquin a scifi star in her own right long before her lead ‘True Blood’  role, is sad to see it come to end.  The…

Mmm mmm… Fairy Blood Cake

Nearly every country in every continent has old folktales on blood drinkers. There’s the Nelapsi of Czechoslovakia, the Hannya of Japan, the Alp from Germany, and so on. There are many vampiric tales around the world – Even in the British Isles. We all know that there are fairytales galore in Ireland, England and the…

The Deadly and Romantic Superstitions of Halloween

Halloween is a day shrouded in darkness and mystery, it’s a day that represents death, when the spirits of the dead walk upon the earth. We already discussed the eerie history of Halloween, but today we’ll explore the many superstitions – good and bad – surrounding this holiday. From encounters with the Grim Reaper to…