In companion to the essay on tropes over-used, here are some suggestions for tropes we rarely see. Any of these might be great, or at least have the potential to shake things up a bit. Or maybe a lot. Beautiful Monster. Vampires are nearly always seen as either gloriously beautiful or satanically evil. But only…
Tag: Faith
‘Angel and Faith’ Coming Soon!
Coming August 31 is the very first issue in Dark Horse’s latest comic series Angel and Faith. Fans of Buffy the Vamprie Slayer and the Angel spin-off have been waiting months for the latest comic in the Buffyverse and finally the wait is over! Issue #1 of Angel and Faith picks up where Buffy Season…
New ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ and ‘Angel’ Comics Planned
Yay! More comics! At WonderCon this past week, the Dark House Panel – Director of Publicity Jeremy Atkins, Editor Sierra Hahn, and Senior Managing Editor Scott Allie – made a series of announcements about the upcoming Joss Whedon comics, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9, and a new Angel comic that will share its…
Slay the Day Away with Buffy!
January 22 is the day to make some hot cocoa, plop yourself on your couch with a comfy blanket and spend the day relaxing because the Oxygen channel is having an ALL DAY Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon! Hurray for a day of nothing but vampies! From the official press release: “In the mood for…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Robin Wood
Robin was the sexy principal of the newly rebuilt Sunnydale High School when Buffy’s little sister, Dawn, began her sophomore year. We all spent a good part of season seven wondering whether or not this gorgeous man was evil like past principals, and what we learned much later shocked pretty much everyone. Buffy was really…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Tara Maclay
Tara was the shy and sweet witch who fell in love with Willow. While she didn’t come onto the show until season 4, she was still a quick fan favorite, partly due to her and Willow’s mainstream lesbian relationship, which gained such a positive reaction from people all over the world. We don’t know too…
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Faith
I admit it, I hated Faith, but then I think we were supposed to. She was also a Slayer, even though there was only supposed to be one. But what happened is this, in season one Buffy died for a short moment and was brought back to life. Her short death was just enough to…
Angel- Season One
Determined to prove to himself that there is life after Buffy, Angel leaves Sunnydale after helping the Scoobies defeat Mayor Richard Wilkins and heads off to Los Angeles. Hoping to make a difference in the world Angel embarks on a quest to help the helpless in hopes of making amends for the horrible things he…
Where Are They Now: Buffy Edition Part 3
Oh yea, I am back for a third time. Seven seasons of Buffy equals a whole lot of important characters to cover. So let’s see what the other Buffy cast members have been up to. Eliza Dushku (Faith) Sexy sexy Faith. Faith was another Slayer, the naughty Slayer that went from good to bad to…