Warning: minor spoilers below. I had the great good fortune of attending the premiere of Tim Burton’s new film based on the cult t.v. show. Being a fan of the original t.v. show, I may have enjoyed the new film version of Dark Shadows a little bit more than others. Just a tiny bit. When…
Tag: Helena Bonham Carter
Dark Shadows: The Trailer!
At long, long last a trailer for the upcoming vampire film starring Johnny Depp has seen the light of day! (Pun intended) Earlier this week, the word came out that the trailer would debut on the talk show Ellen. Sure enough, as fans eagerly waited, said trailer did indeed give us our first real glimpse…
Dark Shadows Updates
Come May of this year, Tim Burton’s re-imagining of the cult classic “Dark Shadows” will arrive at theater screens. Along the way of course we finally get to see Johnny Depp play a vampire (now if only Angelina Jolie would sport some fangs). Post production is well underway, while the publicity machine for a major…
Official Dark Shadows Cast Photo Revealed
The first official look at the new “Dark Shadows” has been unveiled in “Entertainment Weekly” magazine. Contrary to the reactions of some fans to a few paparazzi-shot images that popped up on the web, Johnny Depp does not in fact resemble Michael Jackson! Neither does he look normal. The image (clearly posed based on a…
Dark Shadows Filming Update
Filming is now underway in England for the Tim Burton film “Dark Shadows” starring Johnny Depp as reluctant vampire Barnabas Collins. Not surprisingly, set security remains tight. Even Chloe Grace Moretz (who plays Carolyn), who tweets often, has revealed nothing about the production save that her hair will again be long for her role. However,…
Dark Shadows Begins Filming
Filming has officially begun on the Tim Burton film “Dark Shadows,” the latest adaptation of the cult classic, a gothic soap opera from the late 1960s. “Dark Shadows” focused on a guilt-ridden vampire and his modern-day family in Maine. Two previous attempts to reboot the television series as a weekly primetime drama ultimately never really…
Byzantium: New Vampire Flick from the makers of “Interview”
Neil Jordon, who brought “Interview With The Vampire” to the screen so successfully even Anne Rice praised his creation (after first openly decrying the casting choices), is gearing up for another vampire film! The director, also known for his eerie take on Little Red Riding Hood called “The Company of Wolves” and the famous plot-twist…
Dark Shadows Update #2
Cameras begin rolling on the new Tim Burton/Johnny Depp version of “Dark Shadows” in April, and not surprisingly the filmmakers are trying to keep all the details relatively hidden. Yet we do know some things, including the fact Michelle Pfeiffer (who last worked with Burton as Catwoman in “Batman Returns”) will be playing Liz Collins…
Dark Shadows Update
Johnny Depp as a vampire. A minor joy in my life for the past year and a half has been getting to tell someone the news. Turns out, Depp (like yours truly) was a huge fan of the gothic soap opera “Dark Shadows” and his production company bought the rights to it. Now Tim Burton…