10 Best Vampire Victims in Film

A superhero is nothing without an archnemesis.  Likewise each detective needs a crime.  For vampires, they remain pale-faced immortals without someone upon whom they feed–the Victim!  Behold a list of ten exemplary victims in vampire films.  Keep in mind the criteria here involves much more than a good bite.  That’d be a different list.  Here…

Dark Shadows Updates

Come May of this year, Tim Burton’s re-imagining of the cult classic “Dark Shadows” will arrive at theater screens. Along the way of course we finally get to see Johnny Depp play a vampire (now if only Angelina Jolie would sport some fangs). Post production is well underway, while the publicity machine for a major…

Dark Shadows Update Photos of Barnabas

Thanks to some intrepid paparazzi photos from the actual filming of Tim Burton’s “Dark Shadows” have made their way onto the web! Lacking context, they don’t mean a whole lot but we can glean a few details. All the shots involved were taken at a rocky beach and show Johnny Depp as Barnabas Collins. We…

Dark Shadows – Ahead of its Time?

Fans of haemovores everywhere probably already know that Johnny Depp has plans to reunite with Tim Burton in a motion picture adaptation of the cult t.v. series “Dark Shadows.” The whole idea of Depp as a vampire no doubt has sent many a heart aflutter. Quite understandably! It is one of those ideas that seems…