Kiersten White’s ‘Paranormalcy’ Coming to Theaters!

Kiersten White’s bestselling young adult novel Paranormalcy is getting made into a movie! Yay! As a huge fan of the book I’m pretty “bleeping” excited by the news. However, wWhile I am excited I am also nervous that the filmmakers will crash and burn attempting to make such a magical book into a movie. After…

Review of ‘Paranormalcy’ by Kiersten White

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White is a young adult novel that has had people singing its praises for quite a while now and at long last I have finally read it and I can join the masses of happy readers. Paranormalcy tells the tale of Evie, a teenager who always thought of herself as normal, even…

Paranormalcy by Kiersten White

There’s a newly released book that has been getting a whole lot of hype – Paranormalcy. Written by Kiersten White this new magical novel already has a massive fan base. Check it out: “Weird as it is working for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, Evie’s always thought of herself as normal. Sure, her best friend…