RiffTrax Tackles New Moon!

I am a devout fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000, so when RiffTrax came out more than a decade after the show was canceled, I practically had a brain aneurysm. I think I went over this the last time I posted about the Masters of Schlock covering Twilight; if you love New Moon, or hate…

Eclipse Trailer Has Finally Been Released!

Yay!!! In anticipation for its June 30th release, the trailer for Eclipse has finally been released! Come on, we’ve all been waiting for this ever since we saw New Moon in November, haven’t we? The trailer looks very, very good and looks like the director and producers are going to include the main elements of…

Kristen Stewart Talks About Eclipse

I really thought we’d be waiting until at least the end of March to start hearing about mega Eclipse promotion, but Kristen Stewart has kicked things off with this audio interview. In the interview, she talks about Bella, and of course, the love triangle between Bella, Edward, and Jacob that becomes incredibly confusing (and incredibly…


Vampire movies aren’t just popular in North America, they are huge all over the world (vampires are taking over the world! Bwhahaha!). We’ve got the incredibly noted Swedish ‘Let The Right One In’ and the beloved Korean ‘Thirst’ and now we have the new Japanese vampire flick ‘Higanjima.’ Written by Tetsuya Ôishi  and directed by…

And the People Choose…Vampires!!

If the whole vampire craze that has taken over the world wasn’t clear to you before, it certainly should be after last night! It was then that the People’s Choice Awards gave away seven – count em, seven! – awards to movies, TV shows, and music that are all vampire related! Here’s the rundown for…

What Twilight Book Cover Do You Like Best?

As the Twilight movies become more popular, the original covers of the books are now being replaced by pictures of the movie posters. This cover of New Moon, for instance, now has a picture of Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner in character and in a passionate embrace. This disturbs me. Not because I don’t like…

Will Breaking Dawn Be Two Movies?

I was sort of wondering how they were going to shoot Breaking Dawn, the fourth installment of the Twilight saga. There’s so much that happens in it, I was wondering how they were going to edit it so that it wasn’t eight hours long and we still didn’t miss any of the vital parts –…

Kristen Stewart Says “F**K Off!”

The Twilight super star Kristen Stewart has been getting a lot of love and even more hell from Twilight fans and from magazines. The poor girl just doesn’t get a break from the press, the fangirls and boys and the paparazzi. Sure the woman has fame, financial stability, loving fans and family but at the…

New Moon is Promotion Crazy!!

What’s the best thing about one of the greatest movies of all times about to be released? That we get to see our favorite stars doing crazy promotion in order to gear up their fans! Like Twi-tastics need any more reason to go crazy over this movie. Fans can get their fill of the characters…

More Celebitey Gossip

It’s already that time again for celebrity gossip/news for you guys to drink down. If you missed the last report click here. ‘Vampire Diaries’ Actors Arrested: The stars of the CW new series, The Vampire Diaries, have been arrested. Nina Dobrev, Candice Accola, Sara Canning, and Kayla Ewell have been charged for disorderly conduct. Apparently…