Famous Vampire Children

Throughout most of vampire fiction there is a hard and fast rule about turning children into vampires… Don’t. Each franchise seems to have it’s own reasons for banning the creation of child vampires but almost all agree it’s a very bad idea. Some reasons for banning the creation of child vampires have included: -Vampire children…

Kurt Barlow & the Mysterious Reggie Nalder

We’ve talked about ‘Salem’s Lot before, –and probably referenced it numerous times. It remains one of the most terrifying, and disturbing, vampire films ever made. The vampires are neither blessed with souls, or romance, or any desire to do good. Kurt Barlow was a testament to the old vampires who don’t want to date your…

Vampires: Girls vs. Boys

What most of the unofficial Feminists Against Vampire Romance Novels organization, –bent on the mass destruction of a fictional theme, –seems to miss in the world of vampires right now, is that normally, chicks are over-represented in vampire literature and cinema. How many badass vampire guys can you think of? Blade, Dracula, Kurt Barlow, Count…