The Author Hour’s Laurell K. Hamilton Interview

A few weeks ago posted an interview with the famed bestselling vampire novelist Laurell K. Hamilton. Hamilton is the author of the kick ass Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, a series staring the sexy necromancer Anita and the gorgeous vampires and shape shifters in her life. The interview was fantastic, below are some of…

List of VILF (Vampires I’d Like to F**k)

Vampires ooze sexuality and desire – the power, the experience, the breathtaking sexiness – what’s not to love about them? Here’s my personal list of the top 10 vampires I’d love to spend a night, or two, with. Leave a comment and let us know who would be on your list, or even who would…

There are Many Vampires, but only a few Masters

I first came across the term “Master Vampire” in the Laurell K. Hamilton books. This series focuses mostly on Master Vampires of the City, which is a vampire that controls the other vampires within a certain city. Master vampires seem to be quite different. Although, just like any other vampire legends, what actually defines a…

Famous Vampire Hunters

Vampire hunters are the focus of today’s post. Well, famous vampire hunters to be exact. Vampire Hunters have the tough task of killing the creatures that stalk the night. They don’t see them as romantic or lovable like most of us, but rather a menace to society that needs to be wiped out. This list…

Twilight Remixed: A New Point of View

Today’s post is about a video that has spread through the internet like a plague, affecting thousands. I’m talking about the Buffy vs. Edward mashup video. The reaction to this video goes one of two ways; you either love it, you laugh and cheer on Buffy, or you get ridiculously angry and go with team…

Anita Blake Graphic Novels

Hello again readers, today’s reading has to do with… reading. Ok, more specifically, Laurell K. Hamilton. Most of us already know all about this fantastic author and her kickass Anita Blake novels. What many don’t know is that Laurell K. Hamilton and Marvel comics joined a long while back for a fan-flippen-tastic project. That’s right,…

Why Do We Love Vampires?

Vampires are increasingly popular these days and it makes one wonder, why? What is it about vampires that we all love so much? Obviously everyone is different and everyone has their own reasons for liking something. The love for vampires isn’t the same, there isn’t one straight forward answer for why they are so popular,…